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I was in my room as Audrey had been busy with the political affairs. She barely had time for me. So I used to spend my day sleeping, roaming around or just listen to some music. Daniel and Jez were spending time together and I was really jealous of them. I heard a knock on the door. I wondered who it may be because the servants only came to call out for meals. I opened the door to find Daniel he said, " May I come in?" I nodded and opened the door wide. He sat on the bed. Closing the door I asked him, " So, how do you have the time to come here? Shouldn't you be spending time with Jez?" He replied saying, " Well yes, but I something more important to discuss with you. Did you propose to Audrey?" Thinking back we were together for quite a time. It was the time to propose to her but I didn't know how to, so I asked him," Did you propose to Jez?" Smiling he replied," Yes, and she accepted my proposal." I was happy for them but quite jealous too as I had not made any progress so I said, " That's great. By the way can you help me out as you well know that I suck at such things. I have thought of a way but I think it may be too much." He said, " Man, there's nothing too much in love. If you think about it then just do it. So let's talk about it in detail." We sat and talked about it for hours and finally came up with something splendid. It was my first time doing something like this so I was a bit nervous. Everything had been planned so what's left was to wait for the day.

I was really busy since morning. It was now the time to take a look at the criminals who had been caught and to give them the punishment that was liable for their crimes. I went to the courtroom where the courtiers had already been seated. As I walked to the throne all of them stood. I took my place and asked them to take theirs. All of them seated down. All the criminals had been given their punishment, some death sentence, some life imprisonment, some were fined as their crimes were not that big but if left could go for much bigger ones. To my surprise there was still a criminal left. I asked for him to be brought in the court. As everyone he had his face covered with a black cloth. I asked what his crimes were. The ones who brought him in were two of my people who held him down on his knees by either sides. One of them said, " Your Highness, he has been killing people for the sake of his love. Even after being caught he still says that he will still not spare the ones who hurt his love." A weirdo maybe. How can someone go to an extent of killing just because someone hurt his loved one. It was a rule to not see the criminals face before judging them for their crimes as it would lead to unfairness. So I asked him, "Don't you believe in the law? If someone is hurting you or your loved one isn't it necessary to complain to the Queen? Why would you risk your life and take actions by your self." To this he replied, "I take actions for myself and if it comes to my loved one I would never spare them. About going to the Queen, what if the queen herself is my loved one?" I recognised his voice in an instant. I asked to reveal his face and there he was smiling at me as if he was looking for something. I asked everyone to leave the courtroom and asked him, " So, how should I punish you for your crimes?" To this he said while still kneeling down but this time on one of his knee, " Would you love me to be imprisoned by you for the rest of my life? Let me be the one who you wake up to, let me be the one you think of when you need comfort. I want to grow old with you and be with you for the rest of our lives. Let's make a promise of forever. I'll stay, never give up as long as I got you. Let me be yours and let me be able to call you mine. You're the only one I need. Will you marry me?" I went down towards him and he started walking towards me. I said,  "Yes! I would love to. Actually I am really sorry that I didn't have time for you." He came to me and slid a ring on my finger and said, " Sweetheart, I know that you are really busy as all the responsibilities of the human world are on your shoulders. I can wait for you but you need to make time for our wedding." I was really happy that he was the one who understands me so well, and was also ready to wait for me. I asked him, " When are we having out wedding? What about we and Daniel and Jez get wedded on the same day?" He got a bit agitated and said, " Why with them? I want it to be our day. But I think it would be fun." Though he didn't want to he would do anything for me. I loved him for who he was. I guess there was no backing now. We had a long road ahead of us. No matter what the problem is I'll stay by his side and support him all my life.


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