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Master, the human Queen has left the palace with some of her men. Should we proceed and send our men too.


No need. I shall go by myself. It's been a while since I played cat and mouse. It'll be fun.

"Yes Master."


The figure in front of me was no other than Bronco the rumoured and the feared demon king. I couldn't think but just run for my life. Fighting him with alone would never be a good idea. As I turned to run in the opposite direction he was there again! How could he be in front of me again within seconds? The thought of being caught was scaring the hell out of me. I ran, but his voice was echoing everywhere, "You can't run away from me." After running for a few minutes I felt my legs going numb. If I stopped for some rest, it was surely going to be my final rest. He came before me and said, " Well, well, how do you feel after our first meet? Excited? You should be. There are more things that will excite you even more." I froze after I saw him. I couldn't move my legs even when I wanted to. I unconsciously fell to the ground.

I searched all over the place but couldn't find anything so we decided to go back. I came back to the entrance to find Her Highness unconscious and beside her was a man with horns and a dark aura. As we reached there he spoke, "Well before going I wanted to tell you that this human, oh I mean your beloved Queen will not be seeing the sunrise tomorrow.". Before I could do something he vanished into thin air with Her Highness. I could do nothing but just watch him take her in front of my eyes. We decided to go back.

On my way back we saw chaos. People were running away from something or should I say someone. They were attacking again and moreover the common people. While people were running around crazily someone bumped into me. I held her to support her and looked at her face. It was the most beautiful face I'd ever seen. Her amber eyes were so deep the more I looked at them the more they attracted me. She and I separated and she went her way before I could say something, but, I couldn't forget her scent which reminded me of her. I then decided to go back to the castle.




I opened my eyes to find myself in a dark room. My hands were tied to a chair but the fibers used to tie me up were not what we found on earth. It was really difficult for me to move with my hands tied up, I then saw that the fibers were engraved in the ground. Suddenly I felt a movement in the room, I stopped struggling. It was a cute kitten which was coming towards me, probably the cutest I had ever seen. I waited for it to come towards me. It came and sat on my laps. I could feel the warmth of the kitten on my lap in the dark cold room, I couldn't help myself but smile.


I wanted to see how the girl was doing. When I entered the room, I couldn't believe what I saw. She was happily smiling and probably trying to play with the kitten even in such times when she would die any second. I was feeling weird for the first time. To take a closer look she was really beautiful, her blonde hair falling down to her waist, deep blue eyes which could dominate the whole world. The way she smiled, giggled and talked to the kitten was making me feel satisfied. Just that I wanted to be the one who made her smile like that. Envy took over me, I stormed into the room. The look on her face changed. She was scared, but I couldn't control myself anymore I killed the kitten in a rage and threw it in a corner and went towards her. She was shivering in fear. I said, "Now, Smile! Just like you did before. I said smile!"


I was really happy to see the kitten. It was for the first time after my parents left me with all these problems to face that i could smile wholeheartedly. He came into the room with a face that was all red I didn't know the reason though. He stormed towards me, snatched the kitten and squeezed the poor animal killing it and threw it away in a corner. I felt terrible. I now knew the reason a demon can never change this was the true side of him. I didn't know what to do anymore but I just was so scared that I started shivering. He then told me to smile. I don't know what was going in his head. I really couldn't get a smile on my face but if I didn't I really don't know what would happen of me. When he shouted 'Smile!' I was even more scared. I felt my hands and feet cold.


I didn't want her scared, but I did. I could read her face, she really didn't want me by her side. Of course, she wouldn't when I scared the hell out of her. I decided to leave her alone as I too needed some time. I didn't know what happened to me all of a sudden, must be because I'm a demon. After all a demon can't have such feelings.


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