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It's been quite a long time since I had visited this place. Now that I have the chance to stomp on these people and rule over them I won't lose even a single minute. How wonderful it would feel to be the strongest of them all. Rather than ruling on these stupid creatures I just want to kill that last descendant of the royal family. That is the only purpose for me to send Bronco here, but I still can't understand why is he taking time to do things. With his abilities he would have done it the day he was sent here. I can't wait anymore. I must go and do the deed by myself and to be honest how great it would feel to kill that little weakling by my own hands.
( Teleporting to the royal palace.)

I was looking at the beautiful garden from my window with birds singing and adding a heavenly sense to the scene. I was so immersed in the silence than suddenly there was a sensation that caught me. I turned behind to see if there was something. I saw a lady demon who was dressed atrociously. Before I could call out for help or try to do something she started running towards me and in an instant we were in a place that I had never seen before. Looking at the environment it felt so unholy. As if there would be no life on it. The place itself was giving a deadly feeling I really didn't know what this lady wanted from me. By the looks of it, there was something horrifying waiting for me. She then finally spoke, " Why are you looking so confused?" I replied saying where is this? What do you want from me? And who are you? She then gave and instant answer, " You surely have a lots of questions. This is my place. Yes, the demon world. Isn't it beautiful? I was wanting to do the great deed by bringing you here. Of course the show wouldn't be completed without you the last descendant. Don't worry all of your doubts will be cleared very soon." I just was wanting to ask more questions but then we again teleported to a place. She said," Isn't it more exciting to teleport rather than walking on your two feet?" I couldn't say anything now. All I could think of was if I could survive and still thinking if this was really happening. She then brought me to a room. Before leaving she turned back and said, "I have waited so long to kill you just two more days because killing you on the same day when all of those misfortunes started would be much better. Everything will end on the very same day it started" After she completed her hysterical laugh filled the entire room. I was dead scared but now I knew something and that was I had time. I had to think of something but I just couldn't do anything rather than waiting for help. To think back I really didn't know why Bronco had sent Jezebeth to protect me. I think that he had already speculated things. I now just prayed for him to save me quick because I really couldn't hold on anymore. There was no window nor an opening to the room which made it really difficult to know whether it was morning or night.

Mara had brought Audrey to the demon world. She decided to lock her up in a room the same sort that the demon tower was made. Just that the spells that were cast on this room were much ancient and stronger.


I dreamt of mom again. I could hear her voice clearly this time. She was sounding a bit worried this time. She told me," Your queen is in danger. You must save me in order to save her. The one who has her is not easy to deal with. The abandoned dungeons......." and I woke up. I straight went to Audrey's room just to find her missing.Where could she have gone? I searched in the whole palace as well as the garden she was nowhere to be found. I told Jez about it and she informed Bronco. Just in a few minutes Bronco came into the palace from nowhere. Everyone in the palace was scared just because of his appearance at the palace but the furious look that he had on his face was making the others shiver in fear. I then told him," It's no use being furious. I then told them about the dream that I had today and if it had anything to do with this."
Bronco replied in an instant, "Of course Mom would certainly be the one to do this." He then told us the purpose he was sent on Earth and the amount of hatred his mom had against the Royal Family. I asked him about the abandoned dungeons and if he knew anything related to it. He said," Yes, there were dungeons used by my maternal grandfather and grandmother when they ruled. After they died the whole tower was reconstructed but the dungeons from that time are still where they were." He then also told me that he couldn't smell Audrey's scent anywhere as if she just disappeared. Layla then said," Of course if she's not here means that she's in the other world. We all decided to go to the demon world. I and Layla decided to go look for mom and Bronco decided to go for Audrey. Jezebeth was given the responsibility to look after the human world until then.

(All of them teleporting to the demon world)

We parted our ways as soon as we entered the demon world. We started our journey as Bronco told us about the whereabouts. We reached there in no time but the dungeons were heavily guarded but getting rid of them with us three was just a piece of cake. We went in. I really don't know how but I could feel the aura of mom which led me to her. We got her out. She hugged us all. She said," Getting out of the dungeon which was suppressing my powers makes me feel much better. We don't have time your queen is in grave danger. It was really difficult for me to communicate with you both with my power. Let's go." We teleported to Bronco. Again a tower with no opening. I really hate these towers now. Towers are a sign of something bad but I must save Audrey.


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