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Bronco was still unconscious after we reached Earth. Audrey was really worried for him as he was still not gaining his consciousness. Normally the demons body has the capacity to heal itself and it doesn't take long for one to heal. But, its different in Bronco's case. Everyone was worried for him as he was in this state trying to save Audrey. Because of this Audrey was feeling guilty and wanted him to wake up as soon as possible. After a while Mother returned and told us about everything that happened. About how she and Mara were related. And how Mara wanted to revenge for banishing her. And she also told me that the rightful heir to the throne should have been me. I asked mother, if everyone in the family was killed except you how did we survive and how did I get on Earth? Upon this Mother replied, " Luckily at that time you and Layla were out on a trip with your friends. Maybe Mara didn't even try to think as she didn't know that I had kids. About you getting on Earth, before being sent to dungeons I used telepathy to contact Layla and told her to leave the demon world with you as soon as possible, but it was difficult for her to take two people with all the chaos happening so she just sent you. Your memories and powers were lost by you on the way due to some imbalance during the trip." She then saw Bronco still unconscious and ran towards him and after trying some spells she said, " He won't be able to make it if not now. We have to wake him up. He has been healed completely, but  he didn't have the desire to wake up because he now knew the bitter truth that he was just a piece of puzzle for he big picture of revenge and that he was not wanted by his mother for whom he did everything, even sacrificing his own happiness. Audrey who was sitting beside him started tearing up, " How can you not want to wake up anymore? I still have to thank you for everything that you did for me, for humankind. I have started feeling that you are someone who is really important to me. Even though we had a time we wanted to kill each other, now looking back you are not the one who is the villain. You have really made me feel so vulnerable yet so happy at times. You even sent your people just so that you could make me feel safe. You have done everything that a person with a true heart would do. Now, just wake up I want you to hear me and reply me with the same feeling!"   Bronco who was on the bed with Audrey at his bedside woke up snickering, " Haven't seen anyone who would say so many good things about the person who killed so many people just to make his mother happy and proud of himself. Umm about me having a heart I never realised that I had changed so much after meeting you. I can never live without you Audrey." Hearing these words Audrey jumped in his arms. We then left the room quietly. I went to meet Jezebeth. Finally, we could now spent some time after everything was over, no more killing, no more bloodshed, just peace. Jez was as happy as me I picked her up, giggling she said, " I'm not a baby for you to lift me up high." I replied saying, " Yes, you are mine, baby." She blushed. She was the cutest yet the most fiercest woman I had ever seen. I wanted just me who could see the cute side of her.

I was so happy to hear his voice. I couldn't help myself because of the happiness that i jumped into his arms. Just when I realised what I had done, I tried to get up, but holding me tight he whispered in my ears, " They've already seen what they were supposed to and have already left when they were supposed to. You just have to be where you are, little angel." The way he pulled me back, the way he was speaking and the way he called me by a nickname, God knows when he made, made me feel on cloud nine. I couldn't help but blush and hid my face in his broad chest. "My cute little kitten, let's just sleep for a while it's been a lot for me and you over the past days." I just cuddled with him. It was a bit wired at first but the warm feeling he gave me made me feel so comfortable that I didn't realise myself sleep soundly a few moments later.
The next morning I woke up to see him still sleep beside me. He looked like a greek god. I envied yet was happy that he was mine. I didn't realise when he woke up and was staring at me. He then kissed my forehead which made me snap out and said, " We have our whole lives together. You can stare at me all you want but first you should have something to have some energy in your body." A bit embarrassed but also enjoyed how he never missed to make me blush. After breakfast, I started to help the common people get their lives back to normalcy. Bronco and Daniel with the help of other demons were also busy at restoring and helping us. Everything turned back to how it was but something changed. We humans now knew one thing for sure, demons are not the ones with hoofs and horns with powers who just want to kill anyone in their way, but just like us who have a heart and purpose of life.
Bronco gave up the throne and his title as he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me on Earth. Daniel was now the rightful heir to the throne but before going back he wanted to spend some time with Jez on Earth while he could. Layla went to the demon world to take care of the affairs there.

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