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Another day with Jezebeth still living with us in the Palace. I was walking towards the garden as Audrey called me to discuss things. I saw this small figurine dancing like she cared about no one near the lake which was in the garden. I couldn't help but smile at this behavior of her's. I decided not to interrupt. I greeted Audrey and sat on the chair facing her. She was behaving a bit different than usual and had this smile on her face from which I could tell that she was up to something. She observed me for a bit and then asked me," Do you like Jezebeth?" Just listening to this my ears turned red. She noticed them. Giggling a bit she said,"It's alright. Anyone can tell that you love her just by looking at your face in her presence. Moreover you belong to the same species." I just said," Umm, yes, I do love her, Your Highness." She annoyingly said," Aish, drop the formality when you are alone with me. You've been with me for so many years. I consider you as a close friend." And then being a bit curious she asked," Have you confessed to her?" I was drinking water and choked on it. I said looking down while playing with my fingers, " No, not yet. I'm not sure how I should do it. Whenever I look at her, I don't know what to do. My hands and feet turn cold due to nervousness. It's like if I do anything wrong she may not accept me." She leaned a bit towards me, I was a bit startled at this behavior of her's but then it seemed that she wanted to tell me something. "She's looking at us right now or maybe should I say looking at you right now." I replied with a red face," How can that be. Maybe she's just looking at us for a different reason." I was about to turn to find her but then Audrey took my hand in hers and said," Don't turn. Let's play with her for a while to make sure if she's into you. Then you won't be making any stupid excuses to not accept things." I nodded in agreement and said,"Alright, but what are we going to do?" "Let's try something. You are just going to follow what i'm doing." I really don't know what she was up to, but I too was kinda interested in knowing if Jezebeth also has feelings for me. Audrey came closer to me and asked me to lean ahead. I did so she just told me to laugh. I mean why? But I just followed what she said. After this Audrey told me if Jezebeth came towards us it surely means that she's jealous and has fallen for me. It wasn't sure but after a few minutes I found Jezebeth walking towards us. She spoke a bit firmly," Your Highness, if you don't mind it may I take Daniel with me to speak a few words, just the two." I was nervous and a bit scared. I really didn't know why she wanted to speak to me. I mean we were talking really well with each other these past few days and now that she wanted to talk to me personally. I don't know but this weird feeling took over me. Maybe I can call it happiness or over excitement with nervousness to it. Moreover Audrey even was agreeing on sending me. The look Jezebeth had on her face was as if she was going to kill me. I just followed her as she was taking me to another end of the garden. Past a few minutes we reaches there she finally spoke up," Do you really not see it? Or are you just turning a blind eye?" I was a bit confused about what was she trying to say but after a while I realised what she really meant. Was it for real or just my own thinking? I thought about teasing her a bit and questioning asked her," What do you mean? I really don't understand what are you trying to say right now." She just said it," I love you, you idiot." I didn't think twice and held her by her waist, pulled her close to me and whispered in her ears," I love you too, my princess." Then lightly holding her chin up facing me I pulled her for a kiss. My lips fell on her's, soft as imagined they would be. She tasted like honey. I parted, looking at her face she was looking so pretty at the moment, she had satisfaction and happiness written in her face. I wanted to see her happy just like now forever. I told her," Now, you are mine and I'm yours forever. " She smiled and hugged me I hugged her back. I told her to go back inside and that I would come in a few. I running went in the direction where Audrey was. I happily screamed," We're together! She's mine!" To this she replied, " I told you. Now go back to her, don't keep her waiting. You have a lot to share." I smiled crazily and hopped as I walked into the palace.

In the demon tower
It's been quite a time since I came on Earth. Bronco told me that he's going to take care of the last descendent of the royal family of humans. I really don't know what he's up to but I don't think that he's going to be successful in accomplishing what I wanted him to. I guess I have to take things in my hand now.

Now that things were going well and we got one couple finally there's someone who doesn't want it to end well. What do think Mara is up to now?

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