matt sturniolo - star shopping

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you tossed and turned in the hot bedsheets. it was mid summer and the weather had decided to kick you in the arse and now you couldn't do anything without sweat dripping out of every possible pore in your body.

you could feel the sheets sticking to your skin which completely irked you and the fact matt was somehow peacefully sleeping next to you pissed you off even more, because how could one sleep in such heat, in such peace???

you let out a very annoyed sigh which must have disturbed matt as he stirred and woke up.

"you okay?" he asked with his tired voice.

"i cant sleep," you looked over at him.

"mfphm," he let out a very strange noise.

"huh?" you asked with confusion.

"do you wanna go on a drive?" he asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"okay," you said. the two of you got ready and dressed into some more appropriate clothing. the heat was still killing so you ended up in a small top and a loose pair of shorts.

you both got into the car and matt started driving, with no particular place to go to. or that you knew of. living in such a busy city, you were used to many ubers and taxis going past all throughout the nights but on this particular night it was a ghost town.

it seemed as if there were no signs of life yet you could see many lights on in the passing flats and buildings. hardly any card passed, maybe three or four max. you peacefully sat back and let your spotify play, steve lacy being the main singer of the car ride.

you hummed along to 'give you the world' as you watched the world pass by. you were very hungry and asked matt if he could go to a mcdonald's to get a drive thru. thankfully he was also hungry and agreed to the late night feast.

you kept an eye out for the nearest one and pulled in to the drive thru. you told matt what you wanted and he drove up to the first window. he placed both your orders then was instructed to go to the second window. he paid and waited a minute or two for the food.

we thanked the worker and started driving around once again. you say happily eating your chips as you noticed matt had drove outwards of the city into a more peaceful area with hardly any life.

"you're not gonna kill me, are you?" you joked.

"couldn't live with out you babe," he winked at you and you let out a giggle. he parked in an empty opening which had the prettiest view of a river with a bench next to it.

"no way," you looked at the view in awe.

"c'mon," he unbuckled his seat belt and the two of you got out. you took your drink and walked up to the bench which covered the view of a river, the starry night sky reflecting off the soft flowing water.

"this is so pretty, how did you know of this?" you looked over at his shadowed face.

"i used to go here a lot when my anxiety got bad and needed to clear my mind," he flashed you a smile.

"the prettiest view ever," you sat on the table of the bench.

"i think you're the prettiest view," he laughed.

"oh, i know," you said and matt leaned in for a kiss. "the grass is dry, right?" you asked.

"yeah, it hasn't rained," he looked at you. you hopped off the bench and laid down on the bumpy ground underneath you.

"lay with me," you turned your head back to him. he got off the bench and laid down next to you. "do you see the crab?".

"what did they put in your drink?" he chuckled as he tried to find shapes within the endless stars.

"i have no clue," you let out a giggle and continued to admire the stars.

"i wonder if all those stars have names," cench wondered.

"i like to think so. i wish we could adopt a star," you gazed up at the sky.

"i think raising a kid is easier and cheaper," matt said.

"absolutely not, if we have a kid i'm spoiling them until i die," you said as you looked over at him and admired how gorgeous he looked.

"let's not think too far into the future," matt said.

"you think all of the stars have a reason?" you asked.

"a reason to shine."

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wc: 755

this was definitely not taken from one of my other books

hope you all enjoyed! don't forget to vote and have an amazing day!<3

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