chris sturniolo - just friends 2.0

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recently you and nate had been arguing non stop over little things. it was annoying to argue with him but it seemed to happen everyday. from the things like leaving the toilet seat up, to him constantly flirting with other girls.

you didn't like arguing with him but it seemed never ending. it had affected the relationship so much that you had started losing feelings and were sure nate was too.

"nate, we both know things aren't working out. it's for the best," you said with tears in your eyes.

"i know, i love you so much," nate said.

"i love you too. just friends, yeah?" you wiped away a few tears which escaped your eyes.

"yeah, i'm going to go," nate gave you one last hug before he left.

you felt like crying but nothing seemed to come out. you already knew where to go. you got your keys and went to your car to leave.

soon enough you were outside of the sturniolo house. you were still close to all of them. you spoke to them almost everyday, apart from chris. you were still friends but he had been off with you ever since he found out you and nate started going out.

you had no idea why, but it slightly hurt as you were closest to him.

the reason chris was so distant and upset was because he soon realised he did have feelings for you. he wished he realised sooner when you told him about your feelings but when he saw you on the date with nate, looking as happy as ever, he couldn't help but feel jealous.

he wished he could rewind time and take back what he said, and tell you how he felt. he felt so stupid for not realising how much you liked him and you were now happy with someone else.

that's what he thought, at least.

chris was slightly spooked from a sudden knock on his door. "come in," he said as he continued to play clash of clans on his phone.

"hey," you said as you walked in.

"oh, hey," chris said as he paused the game and put his phone away. "why aren't you with nate?"

"we broke up," you said and sat at the edge of his bed.

"are you okay? what happened?" chris said as he sat up.

"we just argued a lot and i lost feelings," you explained.

"oh right, so you two are like finished finished?" chris raised his brow.

"yeah? i mean i did just tell you we broke up," you laughed lightly.

"right yeah, do you want to talk about it or?" he said.

"no it's okay, we can just watch cars," you smiled. he smiled back and pat the empty spot on the bed next to him.

"which cars?" he turned to you as you got comfy on his bed.

"all," you said and got under the covers.

time skip

chris had cuddled himself into your side to get comfy and also get a better view of the movie. you continued to watch the movie when you heard light snores next to you. you looked to see chris peacefully asleep on your stomach.

you stroked his soft hair, something he always loved you doing. his hair hadnt been cut in a few weeks so you did little braid within his hair. chris moved and tightened his grip around your torso.

you smiled at the feeling of him being so comfortable around you. he stirred before he opened his eyes. "y/n?" he mumbled.

"yeah chrissy?" you said.

"can i tell you something?" he looked up at you.

"of course," you said.

"i really like you," he said but you couldn't hear.

"what?" you said.

"i really like you," he repeated himself.

"where is this coming from?" you said confused.

"when we saw you on a date with nate. i got like really pissed off and like, i don't know, i guess i just realised i liked you then," chris admitted.

"chris..." you drifted off.

"i know, i know, i told you i didn't like you but i didn't realise, it's been you all along," he said.

"i just broke up with nate, it's all too new," you sat upright.

"it's okay, we don't have to date right now, but please, give me a chance," he said and sat up.

"okay," you smiled.

"thank you, thank you," he said and pulled you in for a hug.

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liked by christophersturniolo, nicholassturniolo and 736,471 others

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liked by christophersturniolo, nicholassturniolo and 736,471 others.

y/ny/l/n : rather be nowhere with him, than somewhere without him🤍

   🏷 christophersturniolo

christophersturniolo : i love you❤️
matthewsturniolo : whipped 🤭

nicholassturniolo : you could have credited me for the pic😔
    y/ny/l/n : thanks 🏷nicholassturniolo for the amazing photo

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liked by y/ny/l/n, matthewsturniolo and 828,309 others

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liked by y/ny/l/n, matthewsturniolo and 828,309 others.

christophersturniolo : my bae

   🏷 y/ny/l/n

y/ny/l/n : you're cute<3
   christophersturniolo : only for you :)

matthewsturniolo : look at us all happy and in love😐
   y/ny/l/n : you're just mad bc chrissy doesn't flirt with u anymore
   matthewsturniolo : damn right
   christophersturniolo : still love my no.1 boyfriend

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wc: 867

hope you all enjoyed! don't forget to vote and have an amazing day!<3

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