chris sturniolo - jealousy

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you were sat at some random party, filled with people you hardly knew. madi and alanah had begged you to come even though chris was there. the two of you had ended things after countless petty arguments that had no meaning whatsoever.

the two girls had went to go get drinks so you were left on the sofa as you watched sweaty teens grind and kiss each other which made you want to physically gag. you looked around and noticed the familiar hair which belonged to chris.

the last person you wanted to see.

you were hoping with so many people that maybe you would have some luck to not run into him but clearly not. you looked away in hopes he wouldn't catch you staring.

you decided to leave and go to the kitchen and get a drink to help ease your mind and maybe not be so tense. you grabbed a red solo cup and poured in a redbull vodka. as you poured in the vodka, you noticed someone stand next to you.

you looked up and it was some cute guy, maybe 5'10, brunette and brown eyes. you gave him an awkward smile and went back to pouring your drink.

"hey," the boy said as he walked over next to you.

"hey," you looked up at him.

"i'm jake, i noticed you and thought you were really pretty," he flicked his eyes up and down your body.

"oh thanks, i'm y/n," you said and took a sip from your cup.

"you live around here? never seen you around before," he took a step closer to you.

"yeah i do, i got dragged here by my friends so," you said.

"yeah? you must have a boyfriend, you're too stunning to not have one," he said.

"oh, yeah, no i'm single," you said.

"so you wouldn't mind dancing with me?" he asked.

"why not," you finished off your drink and the two of you went to the living room where everyone else seemed to be partying.

an hour later and you were now drunk beyond belief, dancing with a guy you barely knew. you were enjoying yourself for once after you and chris' breakup.

what you didn't know is that chris was staring at you the whole time you were dancing with some boy. he didn't know if he was jealous, upset or mad. you may have ended things a month ago but to see another boy enjoy you was something he dreaded to see.

chris noticed you say something to the boy and you walked off, most likely to the kitchen. chris decided to follow you and see if he could speak to you. he followed behind you as you went into the kitchen.

you went to pour yourself another drink when you felt someone next to you. "jake i thought i told you to-" you stopped yourself mid sentence when you realised it was chris next to you and not jake.

"that your new boyfriend?" chris said.

"no, i like just met him tonight," you rolled your eyes.

"yeah i'd hope not because he's making out with some other girl," he crossed his arms.

"what do you mean?" you furrowed your eyebrows and he held out his hand for you to grab as he took you back to the living room. there was that stupid boy who you thought would be nice, kissing another girl.

you weren't going to cry over it, but it did hurt a bit. "he wasn't even that hot," you laughed and turned back to chris.

"can we go somewhere more quiet?" he asked and you nodded. he led you out to the back garden where no one else was.

"what is it?" you looked into his eyes, something you missed as the sight of them could send you onto your knees.

"i'm sorry, i know i fucked up things with our stupid arguments. i don't know why i did it, but y/n, you don't even know how much i miss you. i cant even sleep properly without my arms around you or when you play with my hair. i know it's my fault and you don't have to forgive me-" you shut him up with your lips on his.

he froze for a second before relaxing and kissing you back. the two of you stood, your arms wrapped around his neck and his hands on your waist, in the back garden of a party the two of you didn't want to even be at.

you pulled away for some air and placed your head against his chest as he pulled you in tightly. you then heard two girls squealing, you looked over to see madi and alanah clapping and jumping.

you smiled and gave a small and heard chris chuckle underneath you. they went away and you looked back up at chris.

"i know it's going to take some time, but i was thinking we could build up things to go back to the way they were? you don't have to but," he stroked his hands through your hair.

"i'd love to," you smiled and he pulled you in for another kiss.

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wc: 870

hope you all enjoyed! don't forget to vote and have an amazing day!<3

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