chris sturniolo - just friends

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you and chris had been friends for many, many years now. there were major feelings that you had kept from him, you had no clue if he even reciprocated those feelings which was why you never told him.

you had told nick as you two were very close and he had suspected feelings after he kept catching you staring at chris. you told him not to tell matt or chris in fear it would possibly ruin anything.

you had finally built up the courage to tell him about said feelings. you had no clue how he would take it. you had assured yourself that if he felt the same, you would hopefully go on to date, and if he rejected you, it was closure and you would be able to move on.

it hurt to think of him not liking you back as there were so many moments where you were convinced he had felt the same. the countless times the two of you had flirted but you weren't sure if it was just 'banter' or maybe him secretly feeling the same.

there were also the times where he would hold you, wether it was your body, or your hands. those small bits of him touching you sent butterflies throughout your whole body without him even trying.

you had pulled up outside of the sturniolo house. your whole body felt fidgety, you were debating on just turning back around and leaving and pretending that you didn't have feelings for him.

but you just couldn't, what if he did feel the same? surely if he had felt the same he would have maybe told you by now but then at the same time you knew how he was when it came to girls. he rarely every admitted his feelings first.

thats why you had to do what you had to do. you were going to tell him. tell him about your feelings and you just hoped for the best he would maybe just feel the same way.

you walked into the house and went into straight up to chris' room as it was quiet so you knew they were all in their own rooms. "chrissy?" you opened the door.

"hey," chris said. he was sat on his bed, on his phone.

"can we talk?" you said and sat down next to him in his bed.

"yeah of course, what is it?" he put his phone down.

"so, i like, i really like you," you said as you played with your fingers.

"i like you too," he smiled.

"no, chris, like i like you more than a friend," you turned to him with a serious face.

"y/n...," chris drifted off.

fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. this wasn't good. you could feel your heart drop and shatter into a million pieces. this was all so stupid, all so fucking stupid.

"i'm sorry," you felt your eyes water.

"it's okay, look, we're just friends. you're beautiful and everything, but i just don't see you like that," chris said.

"it's okay, i just wanted to let you know," you laughed lightly to hide the hurt in your voice. "i have to go, i'll see you later."

"at least give me a hug first," chris said and you gave him a quick hug before you left his room.

that was so stupid of you. of course he wouldn't have feelings, he's like the most attractive guy you know. he most likely had eyes on another girl and his best friend wouldn't be one of them.

you walked down to nicks room, tears escaping your eyes. you opened the door and saw nick at his desk editing a video. he turned around and his face dropped when he realised you were crying.

"y/n, are you okay? what happened?" nick stood up and hugged you.

he held you as you cried into his arms, "i told him."

"told him? oh," he looked down at you and soon realised what you meant. "look, he's an idiot if he doesn't realise how amazing you are. at least you got it off your shoulders."

"i know, it just hurts," you wiped away your tears.

"you'll find someone who appreciates you, if i was straight id be like totally all over you," nick laughed which cheered you up.

"thanks, onto bigger and better, right?" you said.

"bigger and better," he smiled.

"i'll see you later, love you," you said and left his room.

a couple months later

like you said to nick, you had moved onto bigger and better. you had started dating nate, one of the triplets close friends. the two of you had started speaking not too long after the thing with chris and surprisingly had a lot in common.

so far you had kept it between the two of you incase you went and told everyone; only to break up two weeks later or something. it had been three months now and only a few close friends knew.

you hated having people dive their noses into your business so you didn't want to go around and tell everyone.

you and nate were on a date, something you did regularly. it was at a slightly fancy restaurant that you had both went on for your first date so it was nice to come back to every now and then.

"yeah, i'll just get an orange juice, thanks," you smiled at the waiter as he took your orders.

"so, i'm thinking of starting a youtube channel," nate turned to you.

"like the triplets?" you said.

"yeah, i think it would be good to make content and stuff," nate smiled.

"that's a good idea, we could make vlogs and stuff. know how we want to travel the world and stuff? we could record us doing that," you said.

"right? and we could-" nate was cut off by a voice.

"nate? y/n?" you heard a voice.

you turned to see the triplets, a few of the people you didn't tell about your relationship. "oh, hey," you smiled at them.

"what are you two doing here?" matt asked.

"we're on a date," nate smiled.

"you two are dating? since when," chris said with a confused face.

"like two months," you said

you could notice chris' face screw up, almost as if he didn't approve of your relationship. why did he care? he was the one who didn't like you back, he's the last person who should have something to say.

"cute, we'll leave you two to it," nick waved and they went over to another table.

"why was chris so upset?" nate turned to you.

"a bit before you and me started dating, i told him i liked him and he didn't like me back. i'm not sure why he was like that, though," you shrugged.

"weird," nate made a face and the two of you went back to speaking.

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wc: 1,156

part 2?

hope you all enjoyed! don't forget to vote and have an amazing day!<3

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