chris sturniolo - wisdom teeth

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you were going with chris to the dentist to get his wisdom teeth removed. he had had them for a while and it started affecting his eating and was painful just overall painful for him.

you were currently driving him to the dentist. "what if they take out all my teeth?" chris asked.

"they're dentists, i think they're aware of what they're doing," you laughed at him.

"can i still drink soda? i'm screwed if i'm not allowed," he said.

"it's time you drink some water anyways," you told him off. you finally pulled into the dentist car park. chris was near enough refusing to get out, "chris, the sooner the better. you cant keep putting it off."

"fine, only because i love you," he kissed your cheek as he finally got out.

"i love you, let's go now," you said and the two of you walked into the building.

you stood next to chris as he signed some sheets before the lady told us to sit down for 15 minutes.
after those 15 minutes passed, which mainly consisted of chris complaining, the dentist came through and got him.

you were told to wait around an hour while the operation would be performed.

time skip

"y/n?" the dentist called you. you looked up into his direction and he motioned for you to go into the room. "he's going to be a little loopy but he'll be back to normal by tomorrow. bleeding is normal, so is swelling but if he's still bleeding after a day or two come back."

"okay thank you," you said to the dentist. by now chris was awake in the chair and toying around with his fingers. "hey babe."

"hey shawty," chris said, his jaw all puffed up from swelling. he had gauzes in the back of his mouth which caused him to have a slight lisp.

"how are you feeling?" you asked him.

"shiii, i'm like totally trippin man," he looked around the room as if he was visiting earth for the first time.

"c'mon, let's get you home," you said and the dentist helped carry chris back to your car.

"are you comfy?" you asked chris as you started the car.

"feel like i'm on cloud 9, baby," he smiled.

"okay kid," you laughed at him.

after a long drive with chris constantly dropping his gauze from his mouth, you had finally made it back to the sturniolo household. you texted matt and nick to help carry the lanky boy back inside.

the door opened and the two boys came out. they went over to chris' side of the door and propped him up.

"how is he?" matt asked.

"out of it, he hasn't shut up once," you said.

"i wanna be a cowboy baby," chris said and did a lasso action thing.

"holy shit, i can already tell he's going to be more annoying," nick playfully rolled his eyes. the two boys managed to help their drugged brother into the house and sat him on the sofa.

"do you want to see trevor?" you turned to chris who was staring at you.

"i wanna see you, sexy lady," he tried to wink but it came off as an eye spasm.

"calm it, i asked if you wanted to see a dog," you laughed.

"hell yeah, bring trevor and let's get this party started!" he shouted and spread out his arms.

"oh my god," you mumbled to yourself as you went to go find the dog. you found trevor sleeping in his bed and brung him to chris. "here's trevy boy."

"y/n, i think we should get seven dwarf hamsters," chris said as he played with trevor.

"seven hamsters?" you looked at him.

"yeah, we can name them after the seven dwarves from cinderella," chris said.

"babe, there's no dwarves in cinderella, that's snow white," you said to him.

"what? my whole life has been a lie," he panicked.

"it's in the title, you know, snow white and the seven dwarves," you said.

"ohhh, you just calmed me down," chris wiped his forehead with his hoodie sleeve. "can i cuddle you?".

"yeah of course," you said and held your arms open. he crawled over and placed himself between your legs with his head on your stomach and arms around your waist.

you played with his hair, giving him small braids. you noticed he was being very quiet. you looked at him and noticed he had fallen asleep, soft snores coming from his mouth.

"what a boy," you sighed.

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y/n y/l/n : photo creds to nick📸      🏷 christophersturniolo             nick_sturniolo_photography

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y/n y/l/n : photo creds to nick📸
    🏷 christophersturniolo

christophersturniolo : when was this🤨🤨
   y/ny/l/n : when you got your wisdom teeth       
         removed loser

nicholassturniolo : i took that🤪
    matthewsturniolo : never use that emoji again🧍‍♂️
   nicholassturniolo : you made cuz u SINGLE
   matthewsturniolo : so are u
  nicholassturniolo : what was the need😐

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wc: 820

hope you all enjoyed! don't forget to vote and have an amazing day!<3

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