matt sturniolo - i'm happy for you

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you had gotten a space in your dream college, one problem was the fact that it was states away from your best friends. it hurt to leave but you were still able to visit them during breaks, but after the first year it seemed as if they had forgot about you.

you, nick and chris still kept in touch while matt kept his distance. you weren't sure what the reason was but it hurt as he was your closest friend. one you may or may not have had feelings for.

matt was heartbroken you moved so far away and after the few times you visited, it hurt him too much to stay close to you. he also liked you, a lot. he wanted to tell you but before he had got the chance to you had already told everyone about going to a different state.

he didn't know what to do, risk your friendship if you rejected him or deal with long distance which would hurt just as much. he couldn't make up his mind so he decided to keep his distance instead and stopped replying to you or calling you.

the only time you would hear from him was when him and his brothers would post on their youtube, instagram or tiktok. even then you couldn't be updated with his life, you wanted to ask nick and chris but you weren't sure if they would suspect anything of it.

you could tell in the videos he seemed slightly off compared to before you moved. he was more silent and seemed more stressed. you could tell his anxiety kicked up a notch after having dealt and been there for many of his attacks.

however you had noticed he seemed more himself. you had no clue what was up, maybe he found himself again? that's what you hoped. it was clear to you why he was happier when he posted across most social medias pictures and videos of him with a girl. his girlfriend.

you wanted to hate her, envy her, even. but you couldn't. she was so pretty and seemed so sweet. she was everything you wished you were. you still remember the day when you first found out about her. your heart nearly dropped to the floor.

the pain in your chest hurt so bad. you had no clue why you were so upset, mad and even jealous. you were the one who moved away. matt wasn't going to wait forever.

it felt like a kick in the chest to find out someone you liked so much for so many years seemed to move on from you.

nick and chris were still in contact with you. it felt like matt's new girlfriend was almost replacing you as she started to appear in videos, posts and whatnot. just how it was before you moved.

they had their suspicions about you and matt as the two of you were the closest of the bunch. you were always together, laughing and enjoying each others' presence.

you didn't want to get mad or upset at him, he had every right to get a girlfriend. it was stupid for you to think that he would even bother with someone who lived hundreds of miles away. it would have never worked.

after a few weeks of feeling under the weather, your new friends had dragged you out of your room to go to some stupid party. you were glad they did, though. that's how you met your new boyfriend.

the both of you had been dating for a few months now and you were never happier. except you felt some sort of guilt for moving on, for leaving your longing dream of having a future with matt.

for spring break you decided to visit your hometown with your new boyfriend, alex. you wanted him to meet your parents as you had met his and things were starting to get serious.

𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕 & 𝒄𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔 Where stories live. Discover now