chris sturniolo - london

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"alright, here we are," nick said as the triplets got out of the taxi and into the hotel they would be staying at.

they decided to go to england for a few weeks, specifically london. they thought it would be good for content and also a change of scenery would be nice.

the trio checked into their hotel. considering it was only 5pm they decided to go out as they still had a long night ahead of them.

"this place looks nice," matt said at a restaurant they walked past.

"should we go? i hope we don't need a reservation," chris said and they all agreed.

they walked into the italian bistro which was busy but plenty of tables were still free. "hi, table for three?" you came up from the back.

"yeah please," nick smiled and you led them to a table.

"my names y/n and i'll be your server tonight, can i get you anything to drink?" you scanned all their faces but one caught your eye in particular.

"i'll get a pepsi," one of them said.

"pepsi for me too, please," the second one spoke.

"and another pepsi for me," the one who caught your eye spoke.

you could tell by their voices they were american but happen to by far be the most attractive looking ones. you didn't get your hopes too high as there were no way they didn't have partners.

if you were a guy and looked like any of them, you would 100% be a player. must be nice.

"alright, i'll go get your drinks," you smiled and walked to the back. "i just sat down the most attractive group of boys at table 9."

"no way! is at least one of them gay?" will asked, your work bestie.

"i have a feeling that the one with the reddish tinted hair is," you winked.

"please tell me they're locals?" he asked.

"nope, pure americans," you giggled.

"i'll take a peak and let you know if i think they're worth it," will winked and you laughed as you finsihed pouring their drinks.

"okay three pepsis, are you ready to order or would you like some more time?" you placed the drinks down.

"i think we're ready to order," one of them said.

"yeah no problem," you said and noted down their orders as they took turns telling you what they wanted.

you went back to the kitchen and gave the chefs the orders and they started making the food. you spoke to will as all the other tables had been served and waited for the food for the table of three.

soon enough, all the tables had left apart from one. it was the gable of the triplets. they were deep in conversation so you didn't want to disturb but the chef pushed you to ask if they wanted desert.

"hey, are any of you interested in getting deserts or any tea, coffee?" you asked.

"yeah we'll have a look at the menu," the reddish hair one said.

you placed down the menu and went to the back for a few minutes before coming back again.

"i'll have the tiramisu please," one of them said.

"one for me as well, chris?" ah so he had a name.

"the cannoli please," he smiled and god you nearly fainted with the butterflies.

you were quick to serve them their deserts. they soon left and were kind enough to leave a whole £20 tip. once you got back to your apartment you just had to try find their social media's.

at least one of them were bound to be popular on tiktok. you searched up chris as that was the only name you were able to hear and sure enough, all of them were incredibly popular.

how were you unaware that some influencers were at your own restaurant? you decided to go stalk chris and gosh was he perfect.

you also found out they had a youtube channel and spent the rest of your night watching their videos. you quickly realised you had a mild crush on chris.

his energy was so captivating and you just wished you were friends with the triplets as you knew you would get along with them.

you texted will and told him to search up the sturniolo triplets. he quickly replied and it seemed as if he were having a mini meltdown. he too had a crush on nick.

'i hope they come in again' you texted.

'i'll manifest it for u babe x' will replied.

you fell asleep with a smile on your face and just hoped they would come in one last time.


it was the next day and you woke up to do your lunch time shift. you got to work and since it was a wednesday it was quiet with only 2 tables in but you had a few takeaways.

you heard the door bell go off and made your way to the front. it was the same boy from yesterday, chris. except he was alone without his brothers.

"table for one?" you smiled and he nodded.

you led him to a table for two. "it is lunch only right now but we do offer some of our breakfast menu if you would like."

"that would be perfect," he said and you handed him over the two menus. you came back after five minutes and took his order.

you gave the order to the chefs and they made his food. he ordered a frappucino so you decided to do a little heart with the caramel drizzle on the whipped cream. hopefully it melted through so he wouldn't think you were a total weirdo.

"here you go," you gave him his two bagels and his drink.

"oh before you go, is there any way i could get your number or snapchat or something?" he asked.

you were slightly shocked and it took you a moment to process but you gave in and just had to give him your number.

"thank you," chris smiled as you gave his phone back.

'when is your shift over?' a number texted you.

'3:)' you replied.

'i'll be back at 3 if it would be okay to take you out?'

'i would love that'

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wc: 1,050

ahhh i haven't uploaded in so long i'm so sorry! pls send me requests as i have no clue what to write for this book

hope you all enjoyed! don't forget to vote and have an amazing day!<3

𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕 & 𝒄𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔 Where stories live. Discover now