matt sturniolo - never again

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you were slightly surprised when you got a random phone call at 2am from nick who practically was begging you to come pick matt up from the party they went to.

it was usual for them to go to parties with other big influencers but knowing the triplets, they were always the sober ones.

that was until tonight, when you had to go pick up matt who was drunk after drinking almost half his body weight.

"where is he?" you walked up to nick who was already at the front door.

"come with me," he said and you followed him. nick led you up the stairs into an empty hallway with only one door open.

nick pushed the door open a bit wider which revealed your boyfriend passed out in the bathtub. matt quickly awoke from the creaking of the door opening.

"y/n?" matt tried to jump up but ended up slipping and falling back in the tub.

"matt, what on earth did you drink?" you couldn't help but laugh at the boy.

"just like 10 shots and 600 vodka and red bulls," your eyes widened knowing how he got when he drank any energy drink, especially since it was mixed with alcohol.

"let's get you home," you and nick went over to pull him out from the tub he was sprawled over.

"you're so beautiful y/n, i'm so lucky," matt placed a slobbery kiss on your cheek.

"thank you baby," you smiled.

"if you to keep being a happy couple i'm gonna end up like matt," nick gagged playfully.

you giggled and finally made it outside to where your car was parked. "do you think you'll be okay in a moving car?" you asked matt.

"yeah boyyy," he shouted and pushed his arms up and almost fell but you and nick caught him.

"christ, let's get you back to mine," you laughed.

"whoa y/n, a little too eager huh?" matt smirked.

"not like that matt! nick could you quickly fetch me like a plastic bag?" you asked and nick nodded and went to go get a bag.

"c'mon let's get you in," you said and helped matt into the passengers side of the car.

he let out a "mmph," as he sat down.

"seatbelt," you said and he groaned as he put it on.
you got into the drivers side and waited for nick to come back with the bag in case matt would throw up.

"you're a gem," you smiled at nick when he appeared at your side with the bag. "will you be okay with chris?"

"it's chris," he rolled his eyes playfully.

"have fun,see you later," you smiled and nick waved you off.

"i cant believe you're drunk," you said to matt.

"the redbull and cokes were so good, you should've had some," matt said.

"i think i'm okay," you said.


after a long drive back to your apartment, you had finally arrived and matt handt thrown up. the drive must've slightly sobered him as he was actually able to get out the car on his own until he nearly stumbled on his own two feet.

you helped him into the elevator and all the way to your apartment. you could tell he was very tired so you laid him on your bed as you went to go grab a spare pair of joggers he had left.

"here," you handed him the joggers.

"can you help me take my top off?" matt raised his arms.

"of course," you said and lifted up his top. you also took off his beat up air forces as you didn't want his dirty shoes on your clean bed.

"i'll leave you to it," you said and went to turn around to leave the room.

"no, stay. maybe look away but stay," matt said. you nodded without question and heard him quickly change. "you can turn around now."

you joined the drunk boy in your bed, hoping he wouldn't spew throughout the night. "goodnight," you placed a kiss on his cheek.

matt threw his arms around you and soon snoozed off.

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wc: 692

pls send in requests or ideas:) sorry for lack of uploads

hope you all enjoyed! don't forget to vote and have an amazing day!<3

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