matt sturniolo - brownies

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you had went to target to get some items and picked up some brownie mix that you were planning on making with matt. you grabbed some other ingredients in case he didn't have any and paid for everything.

you drove back to the sturniolo household and walked in, something the boys told you to start doing as you were over almost every day. ever since being friends with the triplets, and then going on to date matt, you were nonstop over at their house.

it got to the point where matt bought you your own blanket and pillows for when you would sleep over. he also even got you your own drawers to put all your beauty stuff and whatnot in.

"matt? i'm home," you called out as you placed the bag on the counter. you started putting away everything apart from the ingredients.

you heard footsteps come down the stairs and matt entered the kitchen. "hey babe," he grabbed your waist and pulled you in for a kiss.

"hey, i got some brownie mix for us to make," you smiled.

"hell yeah, can we make them now?" he asked.

"of course," you said and matt let out an excited squeal.

you opened the box and the bag containing the mix as matt got all the bowls and utensils. "okay so can you get me 2 eggs?" you asked matt.

"yeah," he said and went to the fridge. you heard a crack and turned around to see the yolk and shell of egg remains on the floor.

"how did you manage that?" you laughed at him.

"i dropped it," he began laughing with you. his simple reaction made you laugh even more and created tears in your eyes.

"what are you two doing?" nick came out from his room. he paused and looked at the two of you who were laughing hysterically on the floor. "nevermind," he said and turned around back into his room.

"okay, let's continue," you said and wiped the few tears from your eyes.

"i'll get another egg," matt said and started laughing again before he even got a chance to open the fridge. you continued to laugh with him as his laugh was oddly contagious.

"stop, i'm gonna piss myself," you cried.

"i can't help it," matt laughed.

"okay, stop, please. just get another egg," you said as you held in your laughter.

matt got another egg from the fridge and cracked it into the bowl. he threw away the shells and started to whisk them together. you were on your phone not paying attention as he whisked away. you didn't notice the amount of mix which had been spilled from his terrible mixing skills.

"matt!" you said and shut off your phone. "you're wasting the mixture!" (sidemen reference? no, okay).

"oops," he said and continued to mix the ingredients with no care in the world.

you took turns making the batter before putting it all in the oven. you started tidying away the waste, when you turned around you were met with powder chucked in your face.

"matthew! you're dead," you shouted and started chasing matt around the house.

you did multiple laps around the house before he jumped on the sofa and you joined him. "you're so annoying," you laughed.

"you love me though," he teased.

"shut up," you said. you got off of him and he followed you into the kitchen. the two of you played some songs on the alexa while waiting for the brownies to be ready.

your timer went off which disrupted the amazing singing and dancing going on between you and matt. you put on the oven mitt and took out the brownies and placed them on the counter.

you went to go grab a knife to cut the brownie when you heard matt scream. you turned around and saw him holding his hand. "what happened?" you asked.

"i burnt myself," he showed you his very red fingers.

"karma," you laughed. "let's sort your fingers out," you said. you placed his hand under the sink with the cold water. you searched up how long to do it for and it said around 30 minutes. "okay keep your hand under the water for thirty minutes babe."

"thirty minutes? we're gonna have to start uploading three times a week for the damn water bill," matt exclaimed.

"shouldn't have chucked the mix in my face," you said and he stuck his tongue out.

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liked by matthewsturniolo, sturniolo

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liked by matthewsturniolo, sturniolo.triplets, and 532,748 others.

y/n y/l/n : kid burnt himself LOL

   🏷 matthewsturniolo

matthewsturniolo : smh why u do me dirty
  y/n y/l/n : bad luck cause u dropped the eggs

sturniolo.lover : when will i get this

ilovemattsturniolo : a toaster bath bomb looks real    
      delish rn
     nicholassturniolo : LMAO same

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wc: 808

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hope you all enjoyed! don't forget to vote and have an amazing day!<3

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