matt sturniolo - groceries

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"how about oreo ice cream?" matt asked.

"um no thank you, i'll have vanilla," you said.

"how basic," he fake huffed.

"shut up, go enjoy your textured ice cream," you said.

"i'll be back in a few," matt smiled as you waited at the table inside of the ice cream cafe.

"here you go," matt said and handed you over a small tub with two vanilla scoops.

"thank you, babe, do you wanna go look around target?" you asked and he nodded.

"you wanna know what's weird? siri being able to go off whenever you say her name-" you were cut off by the minivan speaking.

"how can i help?" the voice asked.

you and matt turned to each other with mouths agape, "no way."

"hey siri," you said with your mouth still open.

you waited a second but nothing happened, "hey siri," matt said.

"how can i help?" siri answered.

"play poppin by yeat," you smiled.

"playing poppin by yeat on spotify," siri said and the song started playing.

"okay," you turned back to matt to see him getting hyped.

"i need my drugs, i need my love," matt sang along. "bitches pulling up and they suck us up, i'm in that tonka, baby, yeah, come show me love."

the car behind us honked after we realised the green light went off. matt drove away while still dancing and singing along to the song while you joined him.

how he was able to make you laugh so much over something so simple baffled you. "there's a target there," you pointed and matt pulled into the car park.

"i hope they're not closed, it's like 11," matt said and unbuckled his seat.

"let's just break in," you shrugged as the two of you walked to the entrance.

"you living life on the edge girl," matt said sassily and you laughed.

thankfully the store was still open as it was a 24 hour one, but it was very empty. the two of you went over to the halloween section as all the summer decor had been taken down.

"look at these pumpkins! should we get some?" you turned around with a glittery orange pumpkin in your hand and noticed matt doing a tiktok dance.

you walked into frame with your pumpkin and attempted to copy matt's moves but you had never seen the dance before.

"that's cute," matt picked up his phone to look over the tiktok. "you should get that pumpkin."

"you should get one too," you looked up from the pumpkin to him. you both stared at each other for a few seconds before bursting into laughter.

"y/n!" he bent down slightly and slapped his knee.

"did you just slap your knee?" you laughed with tears in your eyes.

"yes," he laughed as if he had been holding it in since the womb.

"fucking hell," you calmed down and wiped your tears.

"let's go get some food for when we're home," you said and the two of you walked to the crisps and sweetie aisle with a pumpkin both.

"how aboutttt goldfish?" you held up the bag of goldfish.

"yeah, and heatwave doritos," matt said after he took his gracious time picking out an option.

"what drinks should we get?" you asked as you wandered into the soda aisle which you could only imagine that they were in chris' dreams.

"dr pepper, redbull, a bang for nick and a pepsi for the toddler we have," matt said.

"toddler?" you looked at him confused.

"chris," he said and picked up the drinks.

"makes sense."

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wc: 603

hope you all enjoyed! don't forget to vote and have an amazing day!<3

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