matt sturniolo - i'm happy for you 2.0

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even the next day after your encounter with matt, you couldn't seem to get him off your mind. you wanted to push his perfectly stupid face out of your head but he was all you could think about.

he looked even better than you remembered. he had grew an inch or so, his hair was still so fluffy looking. you hated that he was all that was on your mind. after all you were fully staying at your childhood home with your new boyfriend as he visited your parents.

you were laid in bed scrolling through your phone as you waited for alex to wake up. you had been mindlessly scrolling through tiktok for what felt like hours when a fan page of the triplets came up.

it was a break up edit of matt and his girlfriend, well ex girlfriend now, with clips of them together and then a instagram story confirming their breakup. you weren't going to lie, you were a little happy but you were snapped out from the thought when you remembered you still had a boyfriend.

you felt alex's grip around your waist tighten as he pulled you closer to him. you looked over at his peaceful sleeping face. you wanted to hate him, have a reason to break up with him. but you couldn't hate him.

he was the sweetest guy you had ever known. he would do anything for you, walk across lava just to get you a cup of water. he always made sure you were okay and could tell if you were going to have an anxiety attack.

all those things he would do for you were amazing, you thanked him for it. but deep down inside you just wished to wake up to matt's face for once. to hear his laugh and see his smile everyday. to be able to look into matt's ocean blue eyes and fall in love like you did all those years ago when you were younger.

you and alex had planned to go out shopping for a bit for food and other random things. you just prayed you wouldn't run into matt again. you had gotten dressed and all ready for the day and waited for alex to get out the shower.

you noticed his phone going off every few minutes and curiosity got the best of you. you took his phone and your heart dropped at the sight of 'charlotte❤️' texting him.

you read over the texts which made you cringe more than anything. they were mostly just the same boring 'wyd' or 'how are u' texts. the most recent ones were 'when are you going to tell her?' and 'cant wait for when ur back'.

you weren't sure if you were going to cry or gag. you put his phone back down and waited for him to finish his shower, secretly hoping he'd slip and break his nose.

he came out with a towel wrapped around his waist and a smile on his face as if he wasn't just cheating behind your back. you may have wished for things to end but this wasn't the way you were expecting it to happen.

"good morning babe," he kissed your forehead.

"who's charlotte?" you smiled and crossed your arms.

"i don't know? is it a friend of yours?" alex tried his best not to act guilty.

"no, i'm sure she's the girl you've been fucking behind my back," you said and alex's face dropped.

"look i can explain-" you cut him off.

"explain what? that you just happened to text the wrong number and boom next thing you know you're flirting with another girl? i don't even know what to do," you paced back and forth in your room.

𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕 & 𝒄𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔 Where stories live. Discover now