sam and colby - matt sturniolo

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"tonight we are investigating at the conjouring house! yes THE conjuouring house, the one the movies were based off of which featured the very real life cases that Ed and Lorraine Warren investigated themselves. as you guys can see, we are joined with some very special guests! meet the sturniolo triplets and y/n," colby said and the camera panned over to you, chris, matt, and nick.

you all waved and continued onto the intro, sam and colby explaining the situation and what you would be doing. you had to admit that you were in awe with sam and colby, having watched their videos for years.

this gave you a good base to go off of on how the investigation would go, the estes method, the music box, rem pod, all the other good stuff.

you were a heavy believer in all things paranormal, demon, haunted, whatnot. so you were more than excited to join them in a video, especially with the triplets.

the 6 of you toured the house, guided by one of the residents who was able to inform you of all stories and experiences as well as an in depth story of the popular stories.

you were already quite scared, but being with the other guys help put you at ease. even better as sam and colby had already visited so they were somewhat familiar with the ghosts and house.

you all decided to spilt up into two groups of three, you, colby, and matt then nick, chris and sam. colby had an idea to go to the basement where some of the paranormal activity was high and you would do the estes method and had some of the ghost- censored flashlights.

matt somehow grew the balls to be the one to be blindfolded meanwhile you and colby would ask the questions. 10 minutes went by and you already had a few questions answered.

you were sat quite close to colby, edging closer ever so slowly as you got more freaked out. he noticed this and put a hand on your leg to let you know he was there.

"how many people are in the room with us currently?" you asked, a few moments passed and nothing happened. that was until you felt your hair being moved.

you were sat still, though slightly shaking, but it was no where near enough movement to cause your hair to move from your back, onto your shoulder.

you jumped at the feeling of your hair being touched and near enough gave colby a heart attack. "are you okay?" colby held you as you noticed you had accidentally jumped onto him.

matt ripped his blindfold off as he noticed the commotion and with what the flashlights could provide, he was met with the sight of you on colbys lap.

you two weren't dating, however it was very obvious to everyone else in your friend group that matt had feelings for you. he, of course, would never admit this, but he didn't have to. everyone who knew him, knew.

he had already felt some slight insecurity when you got paired up with colby, knowing he was that typical 'bad boy' type with his dark hair, tattoos, muscular body and everything about colby, matt thought was just way better than he could ever be, hence why matt wanted to be the one to be blindfolded for the estes method to show he could be just as strong.

except you didn't see it like that, no one could ever compare to matt in your eyes. you did not purposely jump onto colbys lap but it was enough to cause matts heart to slightly hurt at the sight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕 & 𝒄𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔 Where stories live. Discover now