matt sturniolo - clingy

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you had finally gotten off of your shift at work after staying and extra couple hours since your coworker asked you to cover and being the nice person you were, you said yes. you were now driving home and hadn't been on your phone all day.

this slightly scared matt as he would normally get the rare text every now and then letting him know you were alive and what time you would be home. so when you hadn't texted him all of your shift he got a little scared.

you pulled into the driveway and got out before you could even make it to the door matt had already opened the front door. "you're home," he said and walked over to you and engulfed you into a massive bear hug.

"yeah i am," you laughed at him.

"why haven't you texted me all day?" he pulled away.

"it was super busy and i had to cover a shift," you gave him a kiss.

"come inside, i've missed you," he said and wrapped his arm around you and led you into the house. you were slightly confused at his actions but brushed them off.

you kicked off your shoes and let out a sigh as the day was finally over and you could relax. you went upstairs and got some clothes out to change into. you go back into the bedroom to see matt waiting at the edge of the bed for you.

"you okay?" you asked him as you set down your handbag.

"just missed you," he said and walked over, kissing you all over.

"i can tell," you said.

"do you want any food?" he asked as you undid your hair, his arm wrapped around your neck.

"i'm okay, thanks, i hade some food at work," you said and brushed out your hair.

"you sure? i can make you some pasta," he kissed your cheek as he admired you in the mirror.

"i'm okay, maybe later," you turned and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

you walked back downstairs and could hear matt following you. you walked into the living room and sat on the sofa, putting on netflix. you flicked through the countless movies and shows you had watched over and over.

matt joined you on the sofa, placing his head on your stomach and wrapping his arms around you. you didn't mind him being so affectionate, you just didn't know where it all came from. you finally picked a show to watch and went on your phone to catch up on social medias.

matt pulled his head up a bit as to watch you go through your phone. you felt his grip tighten around you every so often. some time passed and his arms were still around you, his eyes focused on your phone screen as you flicked through numerous apps.

"i need to pee," you turned your phone off.

"can i come with you?" matt looked up at you.

"no, you weirdo," you joked.

"can i wait outside then?" he asked and you nodded. he had never done this before and you were definitely not going to be able to pee with him watching you.

you finished your business and opened the door which revealed matt with your phone in his hand going through tiktok like some ipad kid. "you sure you're okay?" you asked and he flicked his eyes up at you.

"i'm chillin," he smiled.

you nodded and walked to the kitchen with matt once again trailed behind you. you went to the fridge and got yourself a dr pepper. you stood over the kitchen island, scrolling through your phone when you felt a familiar pair of hands wrapped around your torso.

matt leaned his chin on your shoulder as he continued to watch you go on your phone. you opened up snapchat and took a picture of him, being as clingy as ever. you saved the photo and turned around to him.

"why are you so clingy today?" you asked him.

"i just missed you soooo much, i miss my girlfrienddddd," he sang out the last part like a little kid.

"you're cute," you kissed the tip of his nose.

"i love you," matt said and wrapped his arms around you.

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liked by matthewsturniolo, christophersturniolo, and 457,562 others

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liked by matthewsturniolo, christophersturniolo, and 457,562 others.

y/by/l/n : i like mine obsessed, clingy

   🏷 matthewsturniolo

matthewsturniolo : i am not clingy😿
   y/my/l/n : whatever you say kid x

mattsturniolofan : JEALOUS
   sturniolo.fangirl : me too 😢😢

nicholassturniolo : caption hit too close to home huh, @ matthewsturniolo
    matthewsturniolo : i'm going to beat your ass when i'm home

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wc: 778

send in requests pls x

hope you all enjoyed! don't forget to vote and have an amazing day!<3

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