[Chapter Six] Where Informal Supports Groups Are Formed

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Dedicated to book_lover_1716

Chapter Six -Where Informal Support Groups Are Formed

Bailey's Pov

I was horrified at what his brother had said and I wasn't in a random room more than thirty seconds before Caleb was there and he wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm so sorry Bailey; I know how much that offended me and I can't imagine how hard it is for you. At least I've been out for years." I cried as he held me and Kylie came in too I'm not sure who was comforting who because with Kylie in therapy it probably feels to her like it just happened, not like it's been nearly five years since she got put in Rehab, she told me she was in over a year.

Our two relationships are more similar than I thought, Caleb helped her like I helped Julian after they got no progress from her; he was the one to bring some life back to her. I think the biggest difference was her suicide attempt; in that case we were closer to being alike.

I was the one with those thoughts where Julian desperately wanted to live.

"Hey, it's this Back Alley Crack Heads Anonymous?" None of us could help but laugh despite everything when Julian came in and that was the first thing he said, he sat on the bed and we all laid down on the queen sized bed, my nearly on top of Julian and Kylie nearly on top of Caleb to fit.

"I do believe I'm the only crack addict." Kylie said and she giggled a little, maybe we needed to laugh even if it was maybe a little inappropriate but if everyone in here was okay with it then fuck it.

"Well Kylie, you're just a little bit of everything." I said and she sighed

"Yeah I am, I guess I'm just a little fucked up, huh?" she asked and Caleb held her tighter.

"We all are Ky." No need to deny it, we were all fucked up.

"Well let's make it a game." Julian suggested

"What do you mean?" Caleb asked

"Let's blow this place and go play I never at my place with some apple juice." God, that made us sound fourteen.

"I'm up for it." I for one would like nothing more than spending a depressing night in with these three people.

"Interesting, very interesting." Robert said, one more and Julian and were tied, two more and I won.

"What?" we all asked

"I thought I'd come in to hysterics but you all seem to be okay." He was leaning against the door. He looked comfortable right now.

"Five minutes late for that." I sat up and the rest followed

"Interesting." he said softly but I caught it and I smirked at Julian who groaned; one more and this was mine!

"We can't leave without saying goodbye to your mom." Kylie sighed and I groaned.

"Two minutes and we're out of here." Julian got up, I got up and then Caleb and Kylie got up. We headed into the living room where Danielle was tending to Carters wounds not so gently.

"You're an inconsiderate asshole, you know that?" she asked and he winced

"Ouch! Damn it I know." He sighed and she pushed on his cut again

"Don't take that tone with me Carter Cole, I'm your wife not your employee." Oh shit. He shut up and just took it as she got the bleeding to stop and he gritted his teeth through it

"Baby." Julian mumbled and he glared at Julian.

"Shut the fu-"

"Carter." Danielle didn't let him finished and he looked like a dejected child right now, serves him right. I was boiling with an immense amount of anger with him right now, how dare he judge us after what he did to his own brother but mostly after what he did to Sarah!

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