[Chapter Fifty- Seven] Where They Have a Family Day

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*What kind of dress do you guys imagine Bailey in? *

Chapter Fifty-Seven – Where They Have A Family Day
Bailey's Pov

With the house and album and engagement, which was still weird to say; we've been busy and all of us have been doing our own thing. Melina's been focusing on school and art, I've been looking into this wedding and trying to get the house finished and Julian's been at the studio.

So when Julian came home one day and told me we were pulling Melina and Travis out of school for Friday and Monday and going to Disney Land, I didn't hesitate to pack a bag. With everything going on we were in desperate need of family time. It felt natural to include Travis though since we had all but adopted him with how his home life was.

The kids were thrilled and Travis' mother was happy that he would be able to go to Disney Land for the first time and it hadn't occurred to me that Melina had never been either. Hell, I myself have only gone once when I was younger; I couldn't wait to stay in a hotel where I wasn't having to clean, go out to dinner and not cook and just roam around a theme park or two.

We would get to have fun and I'm sure there would be some recognition with Julian, but I hoped that it wasn't all consuming. Until I started dating Julian I never realized how aggravating it could be.

We were just people and we had flaws too. It bothered me that our relationship problems, his suicide attempt and the drugs were suddenly everyone else's business because he was famous. The only reason I was okay with the publicity of it was in hopes that it could help someone.

I hoped that they would see what happened to him and to us and use it as an example of what not to do, to be better than it. I hoped that people would realize when we were at Disney Land that we were trying to have a day as a family. Would they want people coming up, interrupting their personal conversations on their days off and having their personal space invaded? No, then why is it okay to do it to a celebrity?

"Stop thinking so hard." A smile graced my lips as his arms came around me and his finger traced over my ring. He loved staring at my ring and honestly, I loved it too. It was gorgeous and everything I didn't realize I would love. It always seemed as if gold, white gold or whatever variation of silver colored bands there were was the way to go. This ring stunned me and I fell more in love with it and him after he told me how hard he looked to find the perfect one for me. I still can't believe we were getting married though.

"What if I'm thinking about you?" My body leaned into his and he pressed his lips to my temple.

"Then you shouldn't look so stressed, so stop it. Grab your bag and get your beautiful self in the car and we can go have some fun. No phone calls, no dealing with the record company or managers. It's just us and the kids. And Mia is terrified of roller coasters, so that in itself is going to be a huge source of amusement." I should smack his arm and tell him that was awful, that using her fear as amusement was wrong; but I had to agree with him.

"Okay, no stress." But he still didn't let me go. His grip tightened and he held me a little longer before releasing me, kissing my lips briefly and letting me go. I got Melina in the car and we went to pick up Travis before making the short hour and a half trip.

We couldn't get them to settle down the whole drive and they were bursting with excitement as we pulled to the Disneyland resort. It was right in the middle of the two parks and we could walk to Disneyland or California Adventure. The hotel was on Disneyland Drive and also right there by Downtown Disney. It was the ideal location and if we were going to enjoy the time, we were going to do it right.

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