[Chapter Fifty-Six] Where They Make An Announcement

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I know it's been a while, but remember me? That person who can never seem to find time to write.
Small update... quit my second job so i no longer work 60+ hours 7 days a week.
T-28 days until i move! 

I'm going through FOURTEEN states and it's 70HR of just driving, but it will be worth it. <3 

I'll be posting photos and such on FB/Instagram when i go, so you can add me on those(links on my profile) and follow along. <3

So without further interruptions here is.... 

Chapter Fifty Six - Where They Make An Announcement
Julian's Pov

I was working on the final touches for my album and if it weren't for Bailey, I wouldn't have finished it. After serious though, I decided to go with the song they wrote and I was digging myself out of the hole I had been tossed in with all of the music I had to write. It was strange, now that the lyrics were all written and I only had to do music words were filling my mind and I was constantly taking breaks to have to write them all down.

Bailey was obsessing over her kitchen as they got to the final stages of construction and I couldn't blame her there for two reasons: one, I was the same way with my studio and two, it was a gorgeous kitchen. The designer had finally got her vision and had made the money spent well worth it.

Her concrete counters were different from the granite everyone seemed to think she needed. Bailey was different and that was why I loved her, this was a reflection of who she was.

The pure white cupboards with glass panels contrasted with the green ones that coated the wood on the bottom. The stone or rock walls made it feel like you were in some kind of villa, it really took you to another place and the pizza oven built in and surrounded by the stone helped to give that atmosphere. Her huge island with an insanely large stove that she insisted she needed was the star of the kitchen though.

I almost told her no and then she gave me that look that made me feel guilty for ever thinking of telling her such a thing. It really honestly didn't matter to me what she wanted, but I thought she was getting a little excessive. I didn't see her vision but now that I look in at our kitchen it's easy to see that it really was perfect in there.

She was thrilled with her double ovens and I remember her bouncing like a sugar highed child when she picked them out. It filled me with a sense of pride that I could give her everything she wanted in this house.

This house wasn't as much about need as it was about want. Was it unnecessarily big? Probably. But did I care? Not in the slightest. It was strange to spend so much money these couple months, but when I went into our finished bedroom to plan where our furniture would go; every penny was spent wisely in my opinion.

This was mine and Bailey's home; our home we will raise Mia in and the home we will have children in; a priceless thought. I could see a nursery in here and I was oddly excited at the idea of becoming a father. Therapy has helped me work through a lot of issues and fears I've had

about it. The fear of failure was consuming, the fear that I would be like my father. Turning thirty soon was causing me to have an early mid life crisis. It felt like I was too old to be just getting to the stage where Bailey and I could maybe get engaged. We wouldn't get married or have kids for years and I would be well in my thirties when they were born; Robert helped me cope with that as well.

I couldn't even try to count the times she's told me thank you these last couple months, she was genuinely so appreciative which also caused my heart to feel heavy with a deep sadness for her. My money, her money; our money meant nothing to her. She always just wanted someone to spend their time on her, she wanted someone to love her and appreciate her.

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