[Chapter Fifty-Five] Where They Build A Home

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I have a the song Bailey "wrote" last chapter up top 

Thank you guy for sticking with me through the hard drive crash.
Losing all those chapters sucked and was so disheartening.. i've been having a hard time finding it in me to redo them, but i'm definitely trying and pushing on. 

for those of you who didn't see, my hard drive crashed and i needed a hard drive, operating system and windows program. 

And if it weren't for the guys at prose.. you wouldn't be seeing any of these updates at all, it's really because of them that i'm still writing at all. So special shout out to 


Chapter Fifty-Five – Where They Build A Home
Bailey's Pov

To say Julian was enraged would be an understatement. By the time the boy left Mia was embarrassed, furious and the kid nearly dove out the open door as I opened it and invited him back for dinner and made a point that he wasn't allowed back without parental supervision.

To be honest, I was even a little embarrassed by Julian's sex talk to the kids.

"He seems sweet." I said when I turned around

"Why!" she yelled at Julian and he stepped to her

"If you bring a fucking boy in this house again, I will not be so kind when I toss his ass out of here. You are grounded." He told her and she didn't seem intimidated by him.

"You have no right to me." she pushed and he looked to me. Technically that was true, she was my responsibility.

"Julian may not be your guardian, but he does have that authority; he's spot on that you are grounded." I told her and she got angry

"Are you fucking kidding me? And did you have to do that to him?" Mia yelled at me and instantly backed down and looked to Julian for help, he just shook his head.

"What the hell were you thinking Melina? You let that boy bring beer into this house; don't think I didn't notice that one. You take advantage of our trust in you and invite him over for what, Sex? So the both of you can disrespect your fifteen year old body? Do you want to be taken away from me Melina?" If someone were to find out about that, there goes my temporary custody.

"I didn't think about being taken away." she looked at me and cringed when I looked back at her.

"I'm disappointed in you." I really was; I thought she was smarter than that.

"I know. I'm sorry about the beer, I didn't know he was bringing it over and I didn't like it. I wasn't going to sleep with him." she blushed again

"You don't know that until it comes to actually making the decision Melina. You have two minutes to grab me your computer, iPod and your phone. You will get on the computer or watch Netflix when I say. You will not be staying after school anymore. You will not be going to any friend's house and I will be pulling cords to gaming systems in this apartment. When we move, the door to your studio will also be locked. Go." I pointed at her room and she sighed but handed me her phone and came back out with her laptop and iPod as well as the cord to the play station in her room.

"How long?" she asked me.

"Until Julian and I talk about it and decide on a time and a farther punishment. You have lost all trust and you will not be left alone. You can go to the studio with us when we go." I knew if I sent her to Larissa she would be less strict to win Melina over and Carter was a pushover.

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