[Chapter Thirty-Seven] Where There Are Surprises

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Chapter Thirty-Seven – Where There Are Surprises 
Julian's Pov

I woke up and headed downstairs immediately when I smelt food, damn it I always tried to be up before her so she didn't hurt herself. I rushed into the kitchen and froze and wondered if I was actually awake, maybe I was still asleep upstairs and dreaming.

"I'm actually here Julian." She didn't turn to look at me as she cooked breakfast.

"Shit is mom trying to cook again?" I heard Carters voice

"Not mom." I answered and Kylie came through the door

"Hey Bailey." she said as she came into the kitchen, not surprised to see her here.

"You're getting big, huh?" Bailey smiled at her

"Every day." She put her hand on her stomach she was five months pregnant now, I can't believe how long it's been since we found out and since I screwed up like I did.

"Where's Larissa?" Robert made his appearance into the kitchen and it was still weird. He was in pajama pants and a t-shirt, not the dress shirts and slacks I was used to.

"Sleeping," Bailey said as she pulled food out of the oven and brought it to the table and we all stared at her as she made a couple trips to bring bacon, sausage, pancakes and eggs. "Coffee anyone?" she asked as she turned with the coffee pot and we all just stared at her. "What?" she asked

"What do you mean sleeping?" I asked

"I mean she's in her room asleep, you know, unconscious and resting, sleeping." She still had the coffee and she was pretty damn cute right now.

"How do you know?" Carter asked

"Because I stayed with her." Bailey looked at me when she said it

"How did you get her to sleep?" Robert asked

"Sleeping pills." She tossed him a bottle.

"She wouldn't take anything." He stared at the bottle

"Did you guys try talking to her or forcing pills down her throat?" Bailey asked

"What did you talk about, is she okay?" I asked her

"Not really, foods getting cold." She said and Danielle came down with Cameron

"Hey Bailey, what are you doing here?" She asked

"Being awkwardly stared at and making breakfast." Bailey moved towards the table followed by Kylie and Caleb and the rest of us followed

"I should."

"I just checked on her a half hour ago but feel free to do it again, don't wake her up though." Bailey cut into what I was going to say as we passed some of the food around to fill our plates.

I wasn't sure how I felt about this, she came over late last night and it had to have been after midnight to try to get my mom to sleep, which she knew was a long shot and she managed to get my mother to do what we've been trying to get her to do for almost two weeks.

It was eleven in the morning and my mother was still asleep, which meant at the least she was getting her eight hours; I personally hoped she slept until tomorrow.

We ate breakfast and Bailey talked to Kylie about the baby shower, everyone talked like we never broke up and Carter kept shooting me some kind of look that I continued to ignore.

"I'll do dishes." He volunteered when everyone was done and shoved me in her general direction before taking the plates from her hands.

"I can do them." She tried to counter

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