[Chapter Fifty-Eight] Where They Move In

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Hey loves, i've finally made it to Massachusetts and am trying to settle in. 
Hope you enjoy. 

Chapter Fifty-Eight – Where They Move In
Julian's Pov

So this is what married life is going to be like; I hated dogs, wasn't thrilled about the paint color and the floors were dark stained like she liked compared to the light that I did. Don't get me wrong; the house was beautiful it was just different than what I was used to.

I was used to my style at the apartment; it was clean and modern and yes expensive. I did grow up with money and now had it; I knew at times my taste was expensive and I honestly didn't care what anyone thought of that.

Bailey was more of an old soul in ways. Her compromise was that I got the new couch, bed, and big furniture; but the accent shit was all hers and it was mostly from antique stores. She was excited to decorate and put the little things up. She was so simple and down to earth that I was almost ashamed to admit that I was the high maintenance one in the relationship.

The first day was a nightmare of having to find a general room and direct movers to where things needed to be. A bigger house meant a lot more to do. Of course Bailey was the one to tell me to step down stairs to handle my music room while she continued to handle everything else. She was great under pressure and lately I felt like I just crumbled.

All the wiring for downstairs was being done so I stayed out of the way while I planned out where I would want everything once they were out of here. This was one thing I was happy to oversee; it was kind of selfish of me though.

When I went back up an hour later they were already all gone and Bailey was unpacking and helping Mia with her studio. I couldn't tell you how Bailey saw Mia or what their relationship was exactly; but Bailey was her mom. Bailey was the mother to her that Sarah should have been and the one she deserved. Bailey always put Mia first; Mia came before me even and it didn't bother me.

To give the girls some alone time and not be a shit fiancé, I started unpacking in the living room. There were times I wished I was a lot handier than I was. When there was a knock at the door I went to open it hoping it didn't disrupt what Bailey and Mia were doing, but Bailey was standing in the living room when I came back with Dorian.

Bailey didn't say anything; she just stood there and waited to see how I would have this play out. She's never met him before and I don't talk much about him because I know him from the group I go to for my suicide attempt.

"Hello I'm Dorian, you must be Bailey." He spoke first and I hoped that I wasn't causing him any discomfort. He knew she and Mia would be here but I don't think he's really come back around to social interaction again.

"I am; it's nice to meet you." She didn't touch him or try to shake his hand. Dorian was great and very open in therapy but when it came to anyone else he was nervous and anxious. I had Bailey after everything was said and done but he attempted suicide after losing the most important person in his life.

"I told Julian I would help him with setting up anything electronic." Personally, I thought he was doing great right now.

"That's good because he's helpless and I can't wire a surround system. Would you like anything to drink?" Her offer caused a small smile but a shake of the head.

"No thank you."

"Okay, let me know if either of you need anything." On her way out and back to Mia she gave me a kiss and I brought Dorian into the living room. Guilt started to eat at me because I forgot to tell her that he was coming over today; originally it was going to be tomorrow but he said he didn't mind all the mess or chaos after the movers left.

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