[Chapter Fifty-Four] Where They Construct A House

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Happy Birthday to my girl jessmb94 ! Thank you for all that you've done for me and for the amazing conversations and friendship we've had. 

I hope that your day ends well and this songs for you :D It makes me happy and i hope it can put a smile on your face.

Chapter Fifty-Four – Where They Construct A House
Julian's Pov

I honestly couldn't believe that Bailey had said yes to this. I expected to argue with her a couple weeks before she finally gave in and let it happen. The owners wanted this thing gone; not surprising it was costing them probably ten thousand dollars a month. It had been sitting four months because no one wanted to take on the cost of completely redoing the inside.

We closed in a week on it, long enough to rush papers and Bailey and I spent that time meeting contractors there. The house was probably unnecessarily huge, but I did love it.

We hired multiple contractors to work on different floors of the house to get it done in five weeks. Once we had all contracts signed we walked through the house with them and it took an entire day, but we made clear what we wanted and they took notes on it to come up with a design.

Bailey was the one who was going to be signing off on everything, I was down to a little less than three months remaining on my contract deadline and I had way too much work left to do. I would have preferred to spend the next five weeks checking in on the house and going shopping with Bailey and Mia, but that wasn't possible.

My label didn't care that I was moving in with my girlfriend, well maybe Kara did. It wasn't the best timing on my part but I wasn't going to regret it; not when Bailey's signature was right under mine on those documents.

I did however have to take a few days off when the design of the kitchen wasn't right and Bailey spent four days arguing with the designer. The kitchen was going to be the hardest and take the longest; Bailey had given them quite a task. I didn't point it out to her and I was adamant about them not discussing costs with her.

But this kitchen was going to cost a fortune. The walls would have stone on them; there would be double ovens, wrap around counters, a huge island with a stove and sink in the middle. A pizza oven in there and god knows what else.

I had no idea what colors she wanted, only that the cupboards on the bottom and the ones on the top were two different colors and that the doors on top were glass. It was a huge task, big enough that it was their sole focus and the owner had to find more guys to bring in to work on the rest of the floor.

And with that large task, we had no time to argue with a designer who didn't want to do their job. This was our home and i didn't care what he thought would look better. I threatened to fire the company and the owner had a new designer do a walk through with Bailey the very next day and she had a design worked up by the end of that same day. I was actually pleasantly surprised that she was being so picky with it. It was her dream kitchen and it gave me a huge amount of pride to be able to give that to her.

Her face lit up when she asked me about flooring and counters, when she thought about paint and a back splash. She was debating on a lot of things and she had so many ideas, she wasn't sure just what she wanted to go with.

I realized though that she had never had what she wanted growing up. She never got to pick the clothes she wore with her mother picking them out, she never got to study what she wanted and she never got to make her own decisions. Though she was glad she was clean, it still wasn't her choice. She had grown up doing what her parents asked and being smacked around by them. She was abandoned by her brother and she fell into drugs and now, now I was finally able to give her everything she deserved.

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