[Chapter Thirty-Eight] Where Accusations Are Made

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Chapter Thirty-Eight – Where Accusations Are Made
Bailey's Pov

"What kind of sick joke is this!" Larissa was beyond.

"It's not a joke, I understand-l" He tried to say but she cut him off

"You understand! You understand that this is fucking twisted, my family has been through enough, my son has been through enough without you bringing this girl here and bringing up the painful loss of a little girl he raised and we all loved! Now you're bringing your daughter here for what? Fifteen minutes of fame because my son is famous? You're sick." Amelia looked over at him and he was still staring at him.

"I'm not her father, I'm her case worker, I have been since she was four."

"The hell you are, my Niece is dead and you are a despicable human being." She was rightfully angry and the more they argued the angrier she got. Julian just stood there staring at Amelia and she jumped every time someone yelled.

"Amelia, would you like some hot chocolate?" I asked. Cameron started crying, picking up on the hostility and the noise and she looked so heartbreakingly terrified right now and she nodded shakily.

"Okay." She whispered, Julian hadn't stopped looking at her, he also hadn't said anything and to me that said there may be something to this, maybe. She came with me to the kitchen and I made her hot chocolate, she didn't say anything and Cameron wiggled around as I fed him a bottle, content to be away from the screaming and to be fed.

"I read about what happened with you and Julian; I didn't know you had a baby though." She looked over at me and I looked down at Cameron

"He's not ours, He's Julian's nephew." Danielle always said he would call me Aunt Bailey but with Julian and my relationship so unstable right now, I tried to distance myself from that in case we couldn't work things out.

"Oh. Sorry." Her face turned a little red and I smiled at her

"Dada." He got out and I turned to see Carter and Danielle rushing out.

"What in the heck is going on?" Larissa was yelling still

"Who's that?" Carter asking in his oh so charming way that he did.

"Mia, maybe." I Said and Carter stopped for a minute, trying to think where he heard that name.

"Mia? My niece is the only Mia I know and she's been dead ten years." I grabbed the mug of hot chocolate and handed it to Amelia and then Cameron to Danielle. Little thing was heavy.

"According to the man on the receiving end of your mother's wrath, that's not true." I sat beside her and Carter's eyes narrowed in her direction and so mine did in his.

"Who the hell are you? My niece drown." He glared at her.

"You watch your language, your son is right there and she's still a child. Don't you dare yell her." I snapped at him and he glared at me. I didn't know if this was their Mia. I didn't know anything about the girl but she wasn't part of any scam, she looked like she was going to cry, run and get sick all at the same time and she didn't deserve that. If this is their Mia she's only fourteen years old.

"This isn't a funny joke, this is sick." He said and Amelia's eyes watered, Danielle saw it to and smacked his arm. I don't know if we'll ever get along, he tolerates me but I'm sure I irritate him as much as he does me.

"Stop it, the girl looks terrified Carter, you leave her alone." Danielle said and he frowned

"They're insisting one thing and you the other, the girl's stuck in the middle and you guys aren't helping." I told him and he settled for sulking out of the room to his mother, to which Danielle rolled her eyes.

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