[Chapter Nineteen] Where They Test Their Tust

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Welll guys, the united states has officially made Marriage Equality a national Law!!! this is a HUGE step forward for the LGBTQ community, especially after Ireland said yes last month. 

And some of you may or may not know that i belong to this community, choosing to love both men and woman and that i also update early when good things happen... so how can i not update in excitement today? 

Chapter Nineteen – Where They Test Their Trust

Bailey's Pov

I had just flown to the city to fix one problem and then Kylie calls two days later with another one and Caleb sat there begging me to come back and that if I did he would pay to send Julian and I anywhere as soon as filming was done, he was desperate and I had a choice to make.

"They need me back in L.A" I told Julian straight out and it took a minute to figure out what I was talking about and then he just looked annoyed.

"You're already going back a week early." I didn't know what else to say, he didn't need me here. He had work and Nia and Lucca. He wanted me here, I wanted to be here but I didn't need to be like I needed to help Kylie.

"She needs me." I told him trying to figure out a way to make him understand.

"Yeah and you were supposed to stay with me starting in a few days, now you're just leaving." He was mad and that was the last thing I wanted and I was irritated that they had put me in such a bad place with him for this.

"I love you Julian and after you get back it's only two more months, why are you getting mad at me?" I asked him as he paced slightly

"Because this is her fucking wedding, it's not my fault nor yours that she can't function without you there, she should be the one handling everything, not you."

"She's family Julian, your family and she's going to be mine too, right?" I asked and he said nothing. "Everything I do, I do it for you and for us and everything I do makes you angry. This relationship isn't going to last if such little things are making us fall apart and it's not fair for you to put a lot of these things on me." he just looked at me, he didn't say anything and I was tired of fighting so I just left and started packing my bags.

Would I like to stay here? Of course I would. I loved spending time with him and I loved the people on set, mostly, and I loved that it was quiet here but I had other responsibilities right now, I knew Kylie was demanding and a mess and I knew she needed me and I also knew I was her maid-of-honor now and that it was my job, my problem, my responsibility to help her.

Larissa could only do so much and I know she was trying to help in any way that she could.

"Make her wait, stay a couple more days with me and then go, you'll still be there a week earlier than planned." I looked up from where I stood packing my things and he looked hopeful, I know he's been struggling more since he refused to go to therapy and I wished I could magically say something that would make him want to go but I couldn't.

I was all he had right now to rely on and it wasn't fair of Kylie to ask to leave right now and so I agreed, I moved all my stuff to his room and he checked me out of this one and Caleb was hoping for me to leave right away but I told him that he was lucky I was coming back early and he could deal with it for three more days so for those three days I went to set with him and we came back to the hotel and I watched him write or play and this time it didn't bother him.

"I think you should write another song, your own song, maybe it will help you like it helps me." he said suddenly, he hadn't looked away from me and he didn't need to look at the guitar to keep playing.

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