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I finally catch a patch of scales on his human body and run my hands across them.

"You always touch me," he looks at me from his side of his round small table.

His words make me nervous, but he doesn't pick up on it. He keeps his concentration while continuing to mill shimmery dust with a rock.

Oh... do I?

He picks shiny rounds up and places them in his bowl.


"Um, sorry. You're fascinating... your body is very unique. If I had my supplies, I'd love to document everything about your being," I explain.

I'd have my recognitions for my intelligence if I wasn't a black man.

He thinks to himself while grinding away at the powder, then speak without looking up.

Is he making more stuff to get rid of body odor? Did I used too much of his paste? It looks different from the first batch.

I smell myself and nod from it actually working.

"You're fascinating as well. Human bodies are less complex, but still unique in my opinion. I like your freckles, your hair..." he says; I notice his body language change some.

"... even your eyes... I've never seen a human like you... and even then I still do not touch you," he finishes his words.

I get extra mo nervous and feel my skin getting warm enough to fry an egg.

"Maybe that's my love language," I joke to make us both feel comfortable.

He drops his tool from his hands and almost knocks over his work.

I wonder where he got these more uniformed things from.

I feel calmer when I notice his dark skin turning a bit warm.

Hm? Let me find out you-

"Your what?" he asks, confused.

He seems to know so much..., but doesn't know about that? About love? He's flustered.

"Nothin... I'm a traveler. I just like observing new things. A passion of mine. I'd like to know more about you-"

"So you can sell me to some wealthy white men?" He grabs his tool again and continues what he's doing like he just wasn't confused or flustered...

Or both.

"How do you know about that?" I ask.

He seems to know about certain states of the world.

He ignores me. Only thing that's heard are the sounds of water dripping, water sloshing in the cave pool, and water from the shore. I break the silence when it becomes unbearable for me.

"Brown people have been traded and sold enough, so of course not. Although we are many shades apart, I am still colored. I don't have it in me to do something like that; my ancestors would never approve..."I explain

He mumbles to himself.


"What?" I ask.

He sighs and taps his dust into a bowl from the flat rock he was using as his foundation.

"I'm taking these pearls with algae. They help me learn. I don't know what to do with you-"

"Sita," I call his name.

We just had such nice bonding time; I don't wanna regress.

He doesn't look at me. My heart strings are pulled as I slowly snowball into more realizations and curiosity.

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