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I slap my hand against my side as soon as I wake up, wondering if I'm truly changing.

"Woo," I coo softly with a wicked ass expression.

That was extreme.

I smile when my finger glide over regular human skin.

Freckles. A lil melanin. No gills.

"Ha... haha... hahaha... normal, normal..."
I feel around with a goofy face.

Mufuckin normal.

I notice that I'm on Sita's bed, then look around with the feelings of new visual perspectives of the setting I'd gotten used to.

Everything's so crisp and much clearer. I'm sure it's from him healing me.

"I knew it... I knew it..." I celebrate.

We're fine. The egg, if there's even an egg, is fine. It had to of been a bacteria. Sita cured me; I knew it-

"Well I ain't know he could cure me, but-"

Sita's body catches my eyes. He's sitting on the the floor with his back against the bed.

He's asleep... and doesn't look exhausted at all anymore.

His skin is supple and soft looking as usually, but more rejuvenated. His head is thrown back and his chest is rising and falling.

An art piece. He's priceless.

His hair is shiny. Some of his curls are clumped together, laying on the bamboo. I notice the way his hands are placed on his stomach.

So there is an egg? You didn't hurt it? I guess that wasn't apart of my hallucinations?

"... deep in my head I fear you hurting it. I know you're not happy," I mumble as I carefully get up.

Maybe Sita is meant to kill it... like my colored female ancestors when invaders raped them.

I get upset at my thoughts.

I didn't rape Sita! But... he is upset...

Well... why did I start changing into-into him? Or a form of him? I mean... one of him... or parts of him? Well, I do want to be apart of him, but not like that...

I look over at his body. My eyes focus on his flat, but lightly toned stomach.

I guess... I am apart of him. I shouldn't let myself get carried away. It's so awkward between us, I'm kind of strayed.

I ignore my brain chatter, then grab a knife without disturbing him. Before I turn around, I notice a new jar with sticks in them.

What? Why didn't he tell me he had this plant? My breath doesn't really stink, I guess that's why he didn't say anything about it.

He's commented on every other oder coming from me.

I laugh to myself, but stop when I remember he's sleeping. I carefully steal a stick and put it between my teeth and chew.

I'm surprised I don't smell of anything right now. Even the slightest. Maybe his magick took away human body odor?

"Time to hunt and gather... even though you're a better hunter..." I grin while looking at him.

I want to keep providing. I want to keep him nourished. He nourishes me and now he has to nourish some sort of egg... right? I do know that much is real, unlike what happened yesterday; why would he hands me on his belly like that if the egg wasn't?

I smile thinking about what we did in the temple while walking down to sandy shores.

I have so many questions.

"I don't regret anything even though I was in some sort of trance and had no legitimate control... I do regret him being uncomfortable... and weakened..." I mumble, feeling guilty.

I have to do better.

"Ha... then I'll have his favor without him worrying. If him producing an egg is like a human female, he'll need my help..."

The water is calm and clear. I'm sure I'll have a great catch.

I'll prove to you I'm not worthless Sita.

"I feel no pain at all..." I stretch while continuing to chew on the Miswak root.

I look down at the beautiful water and begin analyzing what's going on, but stop when I see my reflection. My hands shake while I lean in closer.

My irires... they're-

...the circles in my eyes are much larger. There's barely any white like.... like....

"Sita..." my voice breaks.

I stretch the skin around my eyes before closing them to feel the skin on top.

The shape is the same... normal, but my circles of green take up most of my human eyes.

I roll them just to see if they're really mine. Terror creeps up my limbs and back as I fail to rub them away.

Yesterday? That means-

"Sitaaaaaaaa!!!!!" I yell and fall back into the water, hollin like a boy calling his momma.

Breaking one huge chapter up because I'm overwhelmed. These have been done 💜 FOR MONTHS

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