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It smells like it's fitna rain.

I squint to see through the growing darkness.

I made a huge mistake.

I tried to find another cave or some type of plateau, but it's all-


I can't stay on the ground. This island is bigger than I thought.

I climb a large fallen tree, run, then jump onto a thick branch almost as big as me. I climb up and look down.

Still too close to the ground.

I grab another mossy branch about three feet wide, then lift myself up.

"Ooo," I hold on while scoping the areas around me.

I'm the one who's insensitive, right?

"Oh Sita," I sigh while sitting up straight with my legs on either side; I scoot all the way back until my back hits the trunk.

Hissing makes my heart jump into my throat. I look up. The sunlight is still slowly disappearing.

"Golly day," I whisper as I stare at the head of it.


It hisses at me again, then gets real close. So close that the next time it hisses, it's tongue touches my skin. It's a pitch black snake two to three times my size.

What is this? It can't be a Krait... it looks like it but-

More of Sita's words flow through me.

"Kraits don't get that large. There's no record-"

I wince and close my eyes when it's huge body slithers over and around mine. I hold my machete tightly in my hand.

Without my care for Sita, i'd kill this thing.

The snake squeezes me more.

But... Sita said... they aren't violent. Did he only mean his personal one and not all?

I relax my body.

If I kill this snake and return to Sita, he'd kill me for sure. I'd rather be killed like this than by him, so I guess this is how I die.

All the men from my life would call me an idiot, but I feel it deep inside that I shouldn't. If I did, even after death it would continue to constrict me.

It's so huge what if my blade doesn't go through?

Deep breaths leave me while I contemplate my next move. My heart beat gets so loud. Wooziness washes over me.

"Glory..." I come back to my senses and stiffen up when I notice that this huge ass snake isn't constricting me like I thought.

It slides around and off my body, then slips off the large branch I'm sitting on. As I watch it's tail slide off of me the pitches black of blacks come. I breath irregularly, full of fear and confusion.

I'm lost. If only I started with a compass. I lost it in the wreck.

"Okay Mud... no trees," I carefully stand on the branch.

I grip some vines to keep my balance in the dark.

As an explorer this is the dumbest shit you've-"

"Uh!" I slip and fall hard on my stomach.

I hold on to the branch while gripping vines. They seem to wrap around me as it starts to rain.


I try to gently shake them off as if they were snakes as intelligent as Sita claimed them to be, but they won't budge. I feel for the shell blade.

It's not there.

"Is this... tree... carnivorous?" I pull myself up on the branch again, but slip and fall off the other side.

Vines knot around my neck. I hold onto them with all of my might to ease the tension.

"Ack!" I choke.

I've never encounter a carnivorous plant, only heard of them.

I move my feet around, trying to find something to push off of. The vines get tighter. The handle of my machete catches my eye. When I try to grab it, I'm choked up more.

"Ah! Help!" I screech.

Thoughts of my ancestors flash through my mind.

"Sita," I try, but it doesn't come out.

Help me... who ever god is, help me.

I gasp for air but it doesn't work.

What is this? What is happening?

My blinks get slow and my body goes tingly and numb. My heart keeps beating loudly in my ear, then slows down dramatically.

I gasp for air, trying to say Sita's name again. My head is hurting. It feels like it's about to burst.

I'm sorry... I actually care about what you think and feel. I'm sorry... I want to understand what you understand. I like being around you. I like who you are...

"I-I," I try, but I can't breathe.

I loved exploring you.


The longer I wait, the more worried I get. A knot forms in my stomach. It shocks me and pumps fear deep within my spirit.

"Oh..." I groan from the strongest feeling of worry I've ever felt.

Sita... oh no. What did you do? He could die. He called me untamed... if by untamed he meant experienced with the elements, then I guess he would be... right? Is that what he meant?

"No," I get upset all over again and lay on my side.

No that's not what he meant. Don't coddle yourself with lies!

This jungle welcomes me; it is my home it is not his...

My thoughts feed my worry.

"But I did tell the jungle about him already. It already knew, but I spoke with it anyways. I spoke with many..."

I gasp and sit up when I hear roaring thunder. The wind whistles at the highest pitch I've ever heard. My being starts morphing randomly on its own.

I watch my tails, scales, melanin, and fins come and go.

"What's wrong?" I ask my guardians.

My eyes widen. The night sky glows bright like day before thunder shakes everything in sight. It takes my breath away. Automatic knowing hits my core.

"Oh no..."


I have to look for him.

Short chapter. Stay wit me.

Y'all omg. Please stay wit me. *freaks out*

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