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Sweet humming graces me.

Is that Mud... sounding so sweet?

"Mmmmhmm mhmmm hmm," I hear.

I've been feeling more and more normal as time passes, but I still... I still get this feeling. The feeling I had before our egg arrived.

More hums come. The sound pierces me in more than just one place. My gills leave me and my scales go away completely.


Is it safe to say that I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life?

I hum, filled with joy, while water rinses my body clean. I make sure to wash my growing orange curls, hopin that Sita will run his fingers through them.

"Good golly," I say to myself with a smirk.

My smirk soon is replaced with a smile again when I think about his innocence.

I don't want this to go away...and to think... I haven't seen a television or heard a radio in so so long and I'm still this happy.

I cut the water off and cover my flaccid meat while I walk down the hall.

"Close ya eyes," I laugh while blushing bright red, but stop when I see him standing before me just as naked as me; uncovered.

I stumble on my words, trying to speak through the energy rising up my feet and legs. That same feeling rushes from the top of my head and down my neck. Both meet in the middle.

"Sita?" I ask.

His eyes suck me in.

"I usually dry outside," I tell him.

He knows that.

We never break eye contact.

"Mud?" Comes from him breathy and sensually; it shocks my senses.

I try to fight the rope binding me to him.

"Yes?" I accidentally answer.


My feet take steps towards him. When I'm close he takes a deep breath. His back straightens. Sounds of the water getting rough in the cave pool lingers here and there.

Rain starts to trickle.

In seconds, what seems like worry drains from his expression. His confidence hits me like the heaviest of waters as he adjusts his stance.

He cups my face with one hand. I feel worry and concern creep up, but it's not stronger than these other desires.

I'm scared... to look down.

He looks down at my hardened flesh. I'm stiff and beating there.

I brush my finger tips lightly across his warm freckled skin. He's redder than usual on his cheeks.

"I'm trying to find the words. To describe what I feel," his words match my feeling.

I think of the taboo thing we did. Purrs and clicks leave me. Our chests get closer. My jaw cliches when his hardness brushes against mine.

I want to look down, but I can't. I'm scared.

I lean in, but stop. When he leans in I hesitate some. We stare... seemingly wanting the same things, but also fighting confusion simultaneously.


"Touch me, please. Inside... with your linga," his begging hooks me more; his words and sensual expression strengthen this spell I'm under.

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