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It's been days.

I'm in my hunting form, ripping apart fresh salmon. I claw bits out with sharp marine nails.

The storm has come and passed. A bag washed up containing some of his things. He hasn't risen yet.

Im nervous for when he does; should I disappear? I need to remove him from my living spaces, yeah?

I catch a glimpse of how I look in a small puddle. It makes me sigh. I make the scales and blotches of green blue skin disappear half way. More of my human takes shape...

... but my eyes.

I sigh again, splash my hand through the water, then continue to nourish my body with my fresh catch.

My eyes are large. Very large in width even in my human form. My irises are large as well and dark green like dry seaweed mixed with, almost black. They're spotted with shiny, reflecting emerald flakes.

"Non human," I mumble.

I'd scare the poor being. I already have and he hasn't even laid eyes on me. We're so different.

My hair, long and looser; his hair is in ringlets. My skin is dark like living wet bark and his skin is like dry virgin coconut husk. 

I keep my lungs while letting myself grow full fins and scales on my lower body. My two first toes are detached. The rest are webbed; there's small fins at my hips and ankles. 

A hunter. One of my shapes.

I shift into having a tail and flap it before exploring my naga form with a serpent's tail.

Two of my shapes.

I run my hands down my softer scales, then turn my scaly tail back into legs. I make my nails sharp again and finish up my fish.

Should I put him back on the shore? He'd just need more help eventually... right?

Maybe we can be allies. He's way too far away from land to make it in the ocean on small transport.

I stand up outside of my cave while looking at the wilderness around this particular opening.

That's it. I'll hunt for him.

I rush in happily. Cool toned colors appear on my body while my forming scaly feet bring me closer and closer inside my sea cave towards the water that rests on the left.

I grab my best staff and blade off the wall, then dive in.


I groan while forcing my eyes open.

My mouth is so so dry. I'm so so hungry... and I stink.

"Donkey ass," I smell myself.

I find myself staring at a stone wall. Oysters and clam shells liter the bottom.

"Oh," I say and roll over.

I'm so tired; I just wanna-

I gasp and sit up.


I stand up while looking around me.


No. Shut yo damn mouth; you crazy man?

There's stuff... everywhere.

My heart rate increases at the thought of capture. My eyes shoot to a rack made from sticks, holding weapons. I spot my machet, then  grab it. I equip myself with a knife that was already there.

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