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The more I watch him the more questions I have. Small blonde monkeys circle him. They pick through his hair and poke at his skin. He smiles his perfect smile while playing with them... but... it's just sumn I can't shake.

I came inside you again.

Guilt eats me up.

"Shit," I scoff softly while adverting my gaze.

Damn Mud, why the hell you cum inside him?

I lean back against the rock wall while cleaning my finger nails.

What he gone do with another kid? He don't know nothin bout that.

More guilt piles on.

I shoulda controlled myself. What if he thinks I'm selfish? What if thinks that all I care about? Shooting off loads...

My head starts to hurt a bit. I hold my forehead, then run my hands over my out of shape facial hair.

Shit, man.

I look out of the cave opening at the stars above, then look back at him.


Is he okay?

Sadness reshapes his features. I crawl to him and tap his feet with my fingers. He smiles and looks away. I duck some, to catch his view. Tree runs up and over his legs. It makes Mud laugh.

"Are you well?" I ask.

When he doesn't answer I grab his hand and lace my fingers with his. More monkeys jump on my shoulders.

"Ah... yes, yes... what?" I get irritated when they start pulling my hair.

"Come Sita," they says.

They start screeching and ooing.

"What's wrong?" Mud.

I stand up and grab Bandit, the older of the babies.

"Look you trouble makers-"

I stop when I see my larger serpent coming in from outside.


"Woo," I almost drop baby monkey Bandit when the feeling of my scales washing over my skin actually hurts.

Mud gets up and grabs my arm. We looks at each other as soon as he sees the orange patch of scales on the side of my arm.

"Why are you orange?" He asks, confused.

My hand raises to his coils. When he feels my touch, he looks at me all wide eyed. His expression triggers knowing inside me.

"The egg," we both say, then take off down the hall.

How did he know? How did I know?

We fall into the open area while holding onto each other. Our eyes lock. He grabs hold of my hand.

"I'm afraid," comes from me quietly.

He pulls me, his hand in mine; we go over to our egg and crotch down.

"What's wrong?" I run my hands over the egg's color.

"Shit man, fuck!" Mud's words makes me jump.

He holds the side of his knee. I move his hands.

"It's green. My green..." I look up at him

We both look back at the egg and discover a new color on it. The color is new to the egg but not new to us...

It's pearl still, but swirls of orange, green, and blue cascade over it.

My blues and greens and his orange.

Membrane covers Mud's hands as he touches it. He rests his palm on it. I rest my palm on it too, then cover it with my health and rejuvenation. I groan from being so overwhelmed.

Please stay. I know I wanted you to go, but please stay. I felt the same way about Mud... now I feel the same about you.

Mud cups my cheek. We keep one of our hands there. He leans in and kisses me once.

"They're fine... just a lotta attitude," he jokes.

"How do you know that? I don't know that," I respond.

He laughs, his next words make me laugh.

"Father's intuition."

Lil baby chapter yuhhhh.

Also any guesses. I'm telling ya this book finna be shorty short short. Bruh this chapter was done and I literally just kept it from y'all. I'm so sorry lmaoooo.

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