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She knocks me to the floor. I can't tell what's my blood or Mud's blood. I try to heal myself, but she yanks my hair. Her eyes warn me.

"Please," I beg in the language that Mud speaks.

"You thought you could get away with this? You were exiled and forbidden for a reason. This is risky. You're not just cursing yourself... you're cursing us all. You're selfish! You thought we wouldn't find out. Your breeder pearl turned so bright; an abnormal color. You mixed. Your tribe is in fear; many tribes will be fearful."

Her words make me feel a deeper pain.

"You're not my tribe," I speak in our language; my words silence her.

I slowly begin to realize that I know this female.

"You let them cast me away and you said nothing. None of you stood up for me," I confront her.

Mud would have stood up for me!

Her eyes change. They become more alive, but stay empty all in the same moments.

"None of you are my tribe!" I get louder.

She lets my hair go and pushes me on the floor.

"You're put all of us at risk... mating with a human, making him into one of us-"

"That wasn't my intent!" I interrupted her.

"You lie!" She screeches.

Knocks leave her throat.

"I'm not! I did not pray for this. I prayed for a friend, companionship. I know I should have been more specific, but things happened for a reason," I weep.

"Shut your mouth," her eyes grow more intense.

"I was alone. I had no one. I was grateful for the animals, but I had no one humanoid like me," tears leave me.

My body pains in ways it hasn't for some time. I grip my stomach. She speaks again while I hunch over.

"You couldn't control yourself. Just like the curse said. You let him fill you up with life because you-"

"It happened in the temple. I admit I felt ways about him, but nothing ever happened. I never let those thoughts control me. Our free will was not there when it happened. Blue, glowing water came," my voice cracks; my response leaves her stunned for some moments.

The look of her eyes morph again, before strengthening back up.

"You are not telling the truth," she points at me.

"Yes-I-Am!" My chest tightens.

Her eyes wander around where Mud and I have lived and loved.

"Unh," I feel sharp pain again.

I look down at my stomach then look back up at her. She's calm. Not a calm brought on by peace... a calm brought on by other things.

"Curses, Sita," she scolds me softly, in a daze while analyzing our surroundings.

"Mud is my tribe and if I'm cursed to you, so be it; the most cursed I've ever felt was at the hands of our tribe. Mud is my tribe now," I get out.

Guilt flashes over her face. She turns her blade around in her fist while her face twists with anger.

"You should have did what you were told," she steps towards me; her face shifts into a hunter similar to mine, but fiercer.

She looks more wild... from mostly living in the ocean? She's stronger. Her teeth seem to be sharper... almost like I'm domesticated.

I hold my hands out to her. They morph, but I keep my face human so I won't threaten her.

"I don't think the prophecy was evil... as time goes on I think our tribe just interpreted it as such. It's dogma. Godless dogma. Our tribe is fearing what they don't understand or what they didn't want to happen-"

"We understand humans!" She raises her blade at me.

"We don't understand all humans! I lost hope too. I thought I understood all humans after losing hope, but I learned otherwise. Mud showed me so. He's not perfect, but he's capable of love and spiritual connectivity. He's dense sometimes, but other times he's so electrifying and full of intelligence. He's helped me. He's nurtured me. My loneliness, confusion, shame and pain... without it, I wouldn't be able to appreciate Mud or myself as much as I do. I wouldn't appreciate our egg as much! I almost killed my own egg because of what you people did to me!" I break.

She flinches while stepping back. Her hunter form disappears and her human face returns. Her eyes water. It's almost like I can see who she was before I was pushed away.

You were so innocent... like me.

It doesn't last for long. I can literally see when she figuratively puts her self back on what she believes her path to be according to what my old tribe said.

"God you say?" She looks at me like I'm not truthful.

"The divine did this, God and Goddess; I thought it was a ginormous mistake, but it happened sacredly... in the temple. The temple made us mate. The divine made it so. It was meant to be," I try.

"I won't trade my happiness and tribe for you and some orange hued human. I will kill that egg and your lover," she says; her words cause me to panic more.

She walks away. I grab blades from my shelf and throw them at her from the wall. I heal my wounds as best as I can.

She hisses like a snake; an angry one.  One of my blades pierce her side. Another pierces her hip.

"Ah!" I shreek when her blade goes through my thigh.

She slices me up as I fight to keep her blade from going through me again. I jump on her and push her down, but she pulls me on top of her. Her blade slides across the dark volcanic rock.

We fall in the walk way leading down the hall.

"Shalana please," I struggle; me saying her name reminds me of more of when we were small children.

"Don't say my name... again," she gets up and tries to run to a blade.

My panic pushing me into my hunting form. Rumbling builds in my stomach. Pressure grows behind my eyes.

I crawl where I bathe and see that the egg isn't near there, across the room,  in the corner some.

Mud, he must have it.

I feel her behind me and quickly pick up the sharp shell that was meant to harm Mud and I's  egg. She takes a deep breath. I turn around as fast as I can and push sharpness through her sacral, right where she hurt Mud.

Mmmhmmmmm. What's finna happpen. I don't knowwww... hmmmmm 👀🙂!

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