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🐚 I uploaded hella chapters. No skippies🐚



I take a deep breath and roll over. The fire being out makes me less comfortable.

"Unh," I hear more sounds.

What in the world?

"Ah," I hear and sit up with wide eyes.

"Shhhh," I hear, then look around me.

I stand up when a snake slithers by.

Every animal m... I mean every one seems to be here right now.

I can hear the Sita hand made shower pitter pattering.

"Ow," I can barely hear his voice.

"Wait... don't go," I hear from the crowd of animals, large and small.

I walk the hall, but stop when I see him. Even though I want to rush to his aid I don't.

I can't. I'm stuck.

My body is still and motionless as I watch.

"Nnha," he breathes while looking down.

A green vine curls out of his navel. His stomach grows, but only a little bit, like if a small woman was carrying a child really low in her hips.

"Ahh!" His eyes grow wide and his teeth sharpen when the short curled vine unspirals.

He breathes out his mouth.

It's a flower...

He whimpers and puts a hand on the glistening wall to his right while entering a state of shock.

"Unh," he groans deeply.

The blossom blooms wide into a lotus.

"Mmnh!" He clenches his teeth together and falls to his knees as an orb begins to grow from the top of the medium sized flower.

Tears roll down his face as a softly glowing orb grows and grows and grows.

It's... it's happening... this...

My eyes water from witnessing it.

When the orb gets heavy and large, It almost falls. Sita catches it, still in pain. Moans and groans leave him as he wheeps. He falls to his knees, struggling, and straining. When the lotus falls from the pearlescent, white, glowing globe he takes a deep breath of relief.

More clicks leave him while he stares at it.

There's something else in his eyes...

You're scared...

He cries out loudly and feels around the floor.

I'm still stuck.

He lifts a shell in both hands up high with the spiral pointing towards his egg...

Our egg.

My heart drops.


He holds the shell high for more power. When he brings it down to break the shell, I squeeze my eyes shut.

I hear his screaming cry, as I cry.

Streams run down my face uncontrollably. He continues to wail. When I open my eyes I find him very upset with the point of the shell inches away from the beautiful egg.

My chest opens up.

He throws the shell across the rock. Shaky breaths leave him as he falls back on his palms, weak.

I hiccup real hard from how emotional I am. When our eyes lock, I feel everything he just felt. I blow strong wind out of my nose as I feel gills appear on the sides of my body.

It's doesn't hurt, or bother me at all this time.

I pay them no attention as I go towards him. He's weakened, tired, and even sickly looking. I cut his shower off. Instead of lifting him, I sit behind him, so he can rest on me.

I'm afraid to move you.

He doesn't speak. Just trembles against my skin. I hold him.

"I'll start a fire once you're warm from me," I tell him while moving his hair out of his angelic face.

Tears still leave him.

These aren't tears of pain, but he's definitely sad and still full of fear.

I wipe his tears and risk is all by kissing his face.

Scales erupts over him and I at the same time... his more saturated and mine more neutral, both green.

"We're your tribe Sita," my words reach deep within him and I.

I rub my hands down his deep black hair while rocking him.

"I'm your tribe. Okay?"

He squeezes his large eyes shut while crying, then nods... accepting me.

"Alright?" I ask, determined.

"Alright," he surrenders.

It'll be more than alright. I'll make it more than alright.

Thoughts? I been feeding yall for real, for real.

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