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I hold myself while watching him stare at his reflection.

I'm so scared. What if he rejects me again? What if he resents me again? What if he resents himself?

I squeeze my eyes closed, wishing against it.

"Your face will go back to normal," I explain.

It's not hideous to me... but it may be to him. There's only scales on a small bit of his face, but a lot of his body.

I can still see his human through them.

"Oh... I know," the happy tone in his voice surprises me.

He touches his cheeks as he stands.

Even though his scales are spreading, he insisted on putting on his ragged pants.

I'll make him a covering.

I smile at his beauty radiating between both human and hunting forms.

"I think I'll swim," he says and takes his pants off.

He covers himself with his hand. His flesh peaks through, filling it up. I look away when I notice the same hair that's on his head showing between his legs.

Calm yourself, Sita.

I hear shuffling, then look up. He tries to gain his balance, but fails while standing near my cave pool. I get up and try to grab him.

"Mud," I try, but he falls in.

When he breaks the water my lips part. My eyes grow as the funny feeling he always induces travel through me. Clicks leave my throat.

He cuts the water carefully, seemingly unable to swim with his new manifestation.

"Mud?" I ask cautiously.

He examines himself through the water in shock. I stand up. He looks up at me with innocence in his eyes. His tail flaps as he smiles so sweetly.

He's happy?

"Yayy. You're so lovely," I raise my hands in the air.

I slip into the water and purposely stay human to give him all the room his needs, then grab his face and kiss his lips before kicking away from him.


Him being happy makes a very timid but genuine smile stay on my lips. He splashes water at me, as happy as can be.

My tail... it's so heavy.

I try to get a good look at it through the water again. Our eyes connect once more. I laugh a lil, then laugh a whole lot.

"Sita," I grab his arm and pull him to me while surprisingly staying upright.

I kiss his lips more while spinning us around slowly. His laugh feeds my heart and soul.

"You're so pretty," he feels my hair.

"Now you see how I felt about you," I grin.

His smile fades, but doesn't disappear as he digests what I just said. He keeps his arms around my neck and slowly moves closer to me, water drippin off his skin, and beautiful reflectent in his ethereal eyes.

As we keep kissing, I feel his his tail against mine. He helps keep me afloat. I hold his face and move him back. He laughs against my lips, then pushes me away gently.

I don't feel his tail anymore.

Mine goes away too. He gets out, then walks outside his cave soaking wet. I get out and follow him.

I'll follow you wherever you go.

I stand on the plateau while covering my soft meat with both hands. I spot him waving at me down by the sand.

"Hi!" I lift my hand, then lift my chin, tryna be smooth.

He waves me over. I rush back in the cave and almost fall putting on my tattered pants. When my feet finally hits the sand, I start running for him, longing to be near him again.

He goes into the water some while smiling with me. I laugh and kart wheel, just because I feel that great.

I feel free... stranded on this island with this being.

When I look at him again his eyebrows are raised and he's stunned.

"The monkeys do that!" He yells from the water.

If only you knew saying that could mean some different racist shit where I'm from.

"If only you knew," I laugh, knowing he didn't mean it like that.

Something attaches itself to me. A baby monkey crawls on my head.

"Where's your momma?" I ask.

He grabs my face with both hands and rests on me from above.

"I know my mom said no, but may I call you Dirt?" He asks; I understand him clearly.

His name is Tree, right?

"Hey Sita!" I call for him with a smirk.

"Yessss," he's in the ocean, watching us.

"Do you like the name Dirt or Mud better?" I ask him.

He sways his hands in the water. His smile tells me how he feels about me and what we've been doing lately. He looks at the water, then cuts his eyes back up at me a little mischievously.

Aweee shit now.

"Mud," he says with a tad of shyness; I barely hear him.

"Whatchu sayyyyyy!" I holler.

"Mudddddddd!" He hollers back.

My cheeks start hurting.

"You hear him little one?" I ask Tree.

"Aweeeeeee," he jumps offf me.

Sita goes deeper in the water. His back it turned to me now. Thoughts flood my mind.

Is this real? I could just wake up and all of this could be over.

The cool ocean greets my feet as I step in. Soft sands are under my toes. I walk until I'm closer to him. He turns around, still joyous and clearly still fond of me.

I grab his hands. My gills come. He makes his appear too.

"I like your name," he says.

"I wonder whyyy?" I drag out.

I love it when you say my name.

By his body language I can tell he gets my drift.

"I like the way your name feels dripping off my lips. Mud has much more water than dirt," his words ignite my passion for him that much more.

Ight I'm feeding yall fr.

Okay, okay trivia questions about Mud because someone commented about him saying nigga even tho he's literally said nigga in this book before. He doesn't say nigga often because it's not really that time period. No shade to that person, but they was not reading the same book as us jkjk 🤣💕 or honestly just forgot or didn't understand the diversity in ethnic people. No hate to this person, but as an author I want to make sure you able to understand my book.

This chapter was done before the person commented btw.

What color is Mud's hair?

What is Mud's Ethnicity and Shade?

What Country is he from?

Feel free to go back into the book if you like if you ever forget.

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