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I dip an oyster shell in fresh water and let it run over his gills.

Mine are gone, but his appeared and stayed.

He's been asleep for so long. It's quite scary. I'm doin my best... I think.

He convulses while unconscious. Air pushes out his gills. I get in bed with him and lift him carefully into my lap.

"Sita," I let fresh water gently coat his hair.

He opens heavy eyes. They're still majestic and outer worldly, but tired.  I decide to keep my voice mute while making him drink. He accepts when I press the shell again his pretty lips.

Slow purrs leave him like he's trying to form forms. The clicks that come from him are much slower and light.

I don't know what you need...

I massage my finger tips into his hair while hydrating him. Silent tears leave the corners of his eyes. Some of his side teeth grow sharp.

He looks so exhausted.

"Mm," he swallows.

"I-I think you should get in the water Sita," I propose softly.

He moans quietly with parted lips while looking at me. Nothing leaves his mouth when he parts his lips to speak.

"Yeah?" I nod while rubbing my thumb gently across his beautiful dark skin.

"Mhm," he nods slowly.

"Yes? Yeah?" I smile a little, happy that he's coherent enough to understand me.

His eyes close. My smile disappears. When they don't open again I hold his face carefully.

"Sita?" I ask, becoming more and more terrified all over again.

He takes a deep breath. A wheeze comes from his gills.

"Sita..." I lift him, then rush over to his cave pool.

When I'm at the edge I notice two dolphins.

"I- help. I mean hi," I greet them awkwardly.

I sit at the edge with him in my arms then ease down into the cool water. His gills take it in, as his dark shiny hair floats on the surface.

The dolphins nudge the sides of his hips as he floats, still unconscious.

"Pain... great pain," I think I hear one saying.

"Pain?" I ask.

"The pain of pulling another being into this realm symbolizes so much-"

"Ah," I keep my yelping quiet.

I touch my side and feel between gills of my own.

Why right now? I want him to have all of my energy, not this pain of transformation.

"What does it- ah... shucks," I push myself against the edge while squeezing my eyes shut.

Breathing through it all actually helps a little. Thinking about helping Sita helps a lot. Squeaks from the dolphins come again.

"As long as he's okay. It's okay," I strain.

I keep my hand on my gills.

I can't believe this shit.

"Stop hurting. Don't do this to me right now..." membrane begins to cover my hand; it's spreads from my palms to my gills and gives me instant relief.

The feeling of water flowing inside of me makes me feel odd, but comforted. Not much time passes by before realizing what I just did. I stare at my hands, then touch Sita with them.

My pain... it left. I want to take away your pain too.

"Sita," I pull him to me while I keeping myself afloat with him.

The membrane on me spreads all over his body.

"You're healing him," I hear a familiar voice.

When I look up, many of Sita's familiars and friends surround us. My eyes roam around slowly. After I take it all in, I refocus my sights back on Sita.

My new lover. My new mate. He accepted me...

"Thisss isss whattt mattesss are forrr," I hear soft, silky words being spoken from a snake.

The same large snake that spared me the night the jungle didn't.

Sita's gills begin to filter water in and out. Groans leave his lips, but his body still stays limp.

"He needs fresh water?" I ask.

"Yes, but most of all he needs rest. He needs you," the dolphins squeak out words.

I run my knuckles gently across his skin.

I am so sorry if this is ass. Spare me. Lil baby chapters.

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