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My body...

"Ohhh," I moan softly from the abnormal feelings swirling through me.

I rub my fingers down my face and force myself to sit up. I cover my mouth with my hand in shock when I remember what's going on.


I look over at him. There's light outside now. There's no rain. The sun is even shining down through the top of the temple. I can hear the animals making natural sounds loud and clear.

I grab my stomach and look down at it.

"Mud no..." I say in fear.

I stand up. My body convulses in shock while I shuffle away from his sleeping body. I'm naked and damp, but I feel no pain. Only a bit of soreness in every area.

I press my back against the stone mossy walls. As soon as I do the bells ring again. I turn around right as writings light up.

Last night... old writing left and new writing came.

"A prophecy..."

"Is everything okay!" Mud says over the bells.

I rush to the stone and read it while feeling the word. My heart rate increases with ever word.

The bells finally stop.

"What does that say?" I hear his voice close to me.

When I turn around we're face to face. I look up at him in fear. When he almost touches me, I gasp.

"Why are you scared? I don't mean to scare you?" He steps towards me.

"We- we mated... Mud we..." my words stop.

I hold myself with my arms and shrink away from him. His head jerks back some.

"What?" He laughs.

What's funny?

"We mated!" I say more aggressively while pointing to the wall.

He chuckles, but only for a second before his face gets serious. He looks around at the walls and turns in a circle before looking at me again. He laughs one more time. After, worry paints itself over his blushing warm skin. I look at the floor.

"I don't know what happened exactly..." his eyebrows knot.

"You mated with me! Your life force is inside me now... mixing with mine..." I press my hand on the wall to keep myself upright.


"Sex?" I ask him; I screech from shame.

Not just sex.

He holds his hands out.

"I-I don't know why I did what I did. Of course I wouldn't mind it. Maybe it was in the back of my mind sometimes, but I didn't know how to stop. I-"

"I never felt anything like that before... in my life. I've never done that before," I look at the floor again while stepping away from him.

"Why didnt you stop me?" He panics.

"I couldn't. I don't know. It was... otherworldly and shamanistic... I didn't know what any of it was. I still don't under-"

"Fuck," he says to himself.

The word and it's energy makes me wince. Silence comes and stays for several minutes and minutes, times several minutes.

"My body...," I try.

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