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I sink down into the water, but claw myself up immediately. Everything flashes through my head. My memories flood all of my senses.

Where... where are you? Mud?

My breaths shake as they leave me. I hold my stomach, remembering how the entire process felt.

Painful... but powerful. Emotional... and pure. It was indescribable. It was all that and much more.

My eyes float around my cave. Panic fills my body.

"Mud," comes out quietly.

I pull myself out of the water and almost fall, turning in circles, searching. Clicks and whimpers leave me.

"Muddd," I call, but my voice does raise how I need it to.

"The egg?" I look around.

Oh no.

"Mud," I say his name again, but it's still quiet.

Please. Don't go into the jungle without me ever again-

Traveling down the hall seems to take twice as much time because of how much fear is coursing through my being. I suddenly stop as I gasp; my entire body becomes still and my lips stay parted slightly as his green eyes lock with mine.

His eyes are a human shape, but his irises and pupils are still so large. I hope he doesn't still hate me. I didn't mean to change him.

"You're okay," he smiles.

My eyes find my egg right as he speaks, making my heart feel as if it's swelling. He looks at it, then jumps to his feet like he's not supposed to be around it or, or, or like I caught him doing something he wasn't supposed to do.

He-he's nervous. I think?

"I-I found some flowers growing outside the cave. I picked them for you... but there were extras," he explains.

Small flowers circle the perimeter of the egg; leaves and coconut husk are underneath the pretty ring, cushioning the egg from the ground.

Mud... you did that? All by yourself?

Even if he had help... it's so... it's so-

I hiccup with floods of water in my eyes. I slowly walk towards him and the egg while shivering a bit. I hold my hand in my palm, then raise it to my chest as I get closer.

He speaks again in his unusual accent, I appreciate now.

"I was scared to move it. I wanted to wait until you-"


He hugs me out of nowhere. It takes me by complete and total surprise; love fills my abdomen. A short shallow breath leaves me as I hold him back just as tight as he's holding me.

"My baby," he cries into me.

"I hope I didn't mess up or do anything wrong," I say softly even though I know I would of been either stopped or mauled by his animal friends if was about to or did.

"My baby. You took care of my baby..." his words unlock more emotions inside of me.

"Of course," I say, surprised that he thought I wouldn't.

When he lets me go, I lift my hands to his shiny wet skin.

... beautiful.

"I took care of you too," I say while letting his eyes fill me with feel good mystery.

His pupils expand in his large ethereal eyes. His expression makes my small smile dim. His eyes seem to pierce through me while asking me all types of unknown questions with them. Our mouths don't move.

Neither of us speak.

I try my hardest not to look at his lips, then-

"Hmp," I grunt from him hugging me out the blue again.

He squeezes me tight... to tight this time. I start laughing, but he doesn't. I force myself to stop, so I won't anger him or make him feel uncomfortable.

I'm sure his mind isn't all the way well. He's given his first birth. That's very extreme... it was clearly very taxing on his form, although an angelic and beautiful process.

"I care about you," I put my hand on the top of his head and gently rub down his crown.

My words my him cry more.

"You have so much support. The dolphins helped me. Your jungle friends came too," I say light heartedly.

I'm so grateful.

He doesn't say anything while keeping me wrapped up in his arms.

Stay here as long as you like.

I kinda like these short ass chapters frfr. Sorry if y'all want more.

Also I hope we all (as in yall) remember that Mud is a Southern American. If y'all need to reread please do 💜

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