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Well... momma monkey said to give offerings to the pools when in need...

I bend down and let some of the cowrie I found at the beach drop into the pool that Sita put my necklace in.


"Protect our egg, protect Sita, protect me, protect our relationship, and protect our family," I state with bunches of gratitude in my chest.

My mind wanders and wonders.

Sita said he asked for me... he prayed for me.

I look around. My eyes connect with the statue that's etched in the crystal and stone.

He asked for a companion with a friend in mind...

"... and you gave him a lover..." I say out loud.

I asked to know and explore god...

"... and you gave me him..." I add, the water in the temple starts to glow.

I look around nervously, not wanting to get caught down here again.

"Aye now. Shh, shhh... pipe down," I hold my hands out.

I stand there in awe, enamored.

Thank you... I don't understand these mysteries fully and I'm grateful, but please-

"Turn regular ight?" I look around.

I can't believe y'all brought me here. I can't believe I've died and was reborn, but at the same time I do believe and have tremendous faith whole heartedly. This does feel evil or wrong at all times

"We gotta doggon baby..." I smile.

I'm honored... but...

"Hmm," I sigh from worry.


"Mmmm. Mmmhmmmm. Hmmm mmm," I swirl two finger tips into the surface of our egg lightly, one from each hand.

I hum and sing. The sounds come from a warm and loving place.

I'm so sorry. I could have hurt you... I could have harm you really bad.

I put my palms on the egg and cover it with membrane to make sure it's healthy.

The orange, greens, and blues have gotten more intense. There's barely any white left on it.

"Im so excited to meet you. I-" what happened to me so many seasons ago shuts my mouth.

Trauma bubbles up my throat and turn into soft click. So much sadness enters me that I don't even realize I'm crying until tears fall on my egg.

I was so lonely. I was so miserable. They hurt me so much... so bad.

"I'm so sorry," I apologize to our egg about what I almost did to it.

You and Mud have made me so happy, but still... I'm so scared. I never want anything like that to happen to you.

Lil ole chapter just because BlueTragic asked for an updated 🫣! Thoughts? Predictions?

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