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I stay quiet and keep my sight off him while manning the fire. We haven't spoke in days. My inner self feels like he's angry and even grossed out by me now.


I smell myself.

Musty; not too terrible though. It's crazy... he never stinks... I wanna use his pastes, but I don't want to irritate him.

I'm honestly trying to be super nice... yes because of guilt, but I genuinely care.

I keep poking at the fire.

He has my DNA inside him right? My essence? That just makes me care more.

"Ah fuck..." I drop my stick into the fire and stand up; my wrist stings so bad like I've been cut, even burned.

Sita's clicking sounds echo from where he is. When I turn around, he's staring at me...

He looks even more stressed, exhausted even.

He runs his hand through his hair as tear well up in his non human eyes.

"Are you okay- ah..." I look back at my wrist.

I run my hand over it and even scratch at it.

"Fuck!" I press my fingers into my skin when I feel it ripping open.


The skin looks normal on the outside. Just a lil flaky.

Shit, I prolly done picked up some type of bacteria. Can he heal it? I can't die now. I can't leave Sita behind like this... especially with everything that's going on.

I scratch and scratch and scratch until the skin finally breaks enough to bleed.

"Mmm," I groan while making my way outside to see better.

The sun is going down.

"Anh!" I grab my side when random ripping pain shoots through it.

I eye the place where piercing pain is coming from, then look at Sita. He's too terrified to speak, his big eyes glistening wit tears. Clicks leave my throat; I put my hand there, shocked from the knew sound that's never left me before.

"Uhhn!" I run my hands over the slime coming out the forming slits on my sides.

What the fuck?


My features stay plain while heavy tears stream down my face as I bite my lip. His eyes connect with mine again.

He's terrified. I'm terrified.

I squeeze my eyes shut.

This is terrible. I didn't want to say anything. Is he going to kill me? My tribe... my tribe will never accept me back now.

"Sita...?" He strains.

I hear him take steps towards me. My eyes shoot open when I hear him collapse. I screech from worry and fear.

I never wanted this to happen.

"What's going on?" He holds his leg.

Light scales come.

"I'm so sorry Mud. I'll kill it! I'll kill it when the egg comes!" My words make him look at me with wider eyes.

I'm so sorry.

"I'll pray that me destroying it will make everything normal. I-I-I'm not doing this to you. It's just happening.  I've stayed away and stayed silent because I've been devoting my energy to wishing this away. I'm confused. You want to understand me, but I don't understand me completely. My tribes... they'd say more curses and pain will come from things like this... I should of prayed for a more specific non human companion. The island... the island must be corrupt; it says differently. Maybe that's why my tribe abandoned it? I shouldn't of saved you when you were sent to me. I'm so sorry," I wail.

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