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Worry. I feel nothing, but worry.

I knock on a large trunk to use echolocation.

The birds taught me how. I also have my own echolocation, but the trees are louder.

When the sounds begin to bounce between forest life, I click.

"You're quieter... thank you... I guess," I say out loud about the animals.

Why can't I find him? It's been so long.

"Help?" I ask the wild life, then knock again.

I'm ignored.

This is my karma. I've grown attached to him. I started having these thoughts about him that are forbidden.

I'm started to care for him... now he's gone. This is punishment for saving him and letting him get to know me.

"It was only a little," I keep walking, but stop when I hear the same harsh whistles in the wind I heard the night he left.


"Mud!" My voice echos.

I knock on a tree again, then hear noises from up above. As soon as my eyesight lifts, I drop my blade and fall on my back.

"Mud!" My voice breaks from shock and terror.

I climb up branches until I'm at the one he's hanging from.

"... release him!" I slam my hands on the large branch.

Mindless vines.

"Let go," I beg...

Tears fall from my face.

I haven't cried... really cried this much since I was much younger.

"He's dead? He's dead?" I cry.

He's not just dead... his body is not fresh. I cannot rejuvenate him.

"Curses " I cry.

I'm to blame.

It's hot. He's bruised all over and swollen. His lifeless green eyes are peircing my soul. I punch the branch while screeches leave my throat.

"Jungle!" I call.

I give life, but the damage of his vessel exceeds what I can reverse. It's pass what anyone like me could ever reverse.

The heat has decayed him.

My heart jumps over and over while I have a tantrum. I punch the tree until my fists bleed, then heal them just to keep on going.

My heart... I can't run from my feelings anymore.

"You... tricked me!" I yell at my home.

I finally stop when the biggest serpent on the island slowly wraps around me. I cry the strongest and saddest cry while I embrace her.

"Whyyyy areeee you cryingggg Sita?" She asks in English.

"You know why I'm crying!" I bawl.

"Say it out louuuddd Sita," She hisses.

Her voice comforts me, but only a little, so I'm not at the highest peaks of being mordified and horrified. I cry and cry and cry while holding onto her.

"I'm cursed... I-I cared about Mud. I tried my hardest not to let the care grow, but it did. He's rough... he's brute... and I still cared. I should of just taught him better and explained instead of pushing him away. I shouldn't of told him I wanted him to leave. This is my fault. I didn't want him to leave," I say with my face against her scales.

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