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🧜🏿‍♂️ I'm sure there are typos. Sorry. I'll fix them later 🧜🏿‍♂️


"Like this," I push his leg up so his knee bends while he lays on his stomach.

"Ahh," he gasps when I get deeper.

I slip and slide inside him, in and out, then rest all the way.

I gotta get myself together. Great mufuckin day-

"Mud-ahha," his body jolts.

His butt jiggles a little when he does. I put my palms there then feel up his back. He takes deep breaths, taking it all.

I-I'm gay. I mean, I been knew I was a homosexual, but I'm really gay. I'm gay with Sita... he's gay with me. We're gay with each other... and I like it... I more than like it; I-

I lift one of his cheeks up just to see how sticky we are.

"Ooo," I tremble.

I'm just dazed. Powerfully dazed that this is what I have-

He yelps when I rest all the way in again, then puts his hand on my thigh as he clinches up around me. Clicks leave his throat.

"Unhhhhaaaa," he breath; his muscles relax.

He's... perfect. I really mated with a magical being that most humans would hurt and exploit. He's a beautiful human of course... in his human form. The world, my world, would have tainted him. Look at how his innocence cleansed me...

I grind into him real slow, falling deeper in my feelings.

He's such a sweetheart. He has such a sweet soul. He's so generous and kind. I just know he'll be great to our egg.

"Anh," he breaths.

"You're so beautiful," I groan while I get closer to releasing.

Honestly. I'm so honored to have you, wow. I'm sure I- I know I love you. I want to tell you. I want to let you know.

Would he even understand?

I can tell he's orgasming from his wheeping and his body language. He tightens up around me again. My vision goes blurry as I lose some of my control.

"Sita," I run my hands into his body while I call his name.

"Yes-Yessaaa," he answers, sounding much weaker.

"I-I love you- ah," pain piercers through my back after a whipping sound whisks through the air.

I pull out of him and look down at my bleeding stomach. It takes me some moments to understand.

A blade... somebody... who... who fuckin stabbed me?

"Ahha," I wheeze softly from the deadly injury.

I hear words similar to how Sita speaks. It makes him turn around and cover himself. I just stay still, shocked and partially paralyzed.

The egg. Sita... my family. Their safety.

Sita shifts into a hunters form and grabs a short spear from the side of him. He grabs me and shifts us around so that I'm on my side laying behind him.

I look down at my stomach. Confused and disappointed.

I'm scared to take it out. What if I can't heal myself after I do. Sita should do it, right?

His membrane starts to cover me as soon as I think my thoughts. He presses his hand into my body. Us connecting sends information to my soul.

He's tired... worn out from what we were doing and he's... he's scared. I'm scared to.

Another whipping sound whisks. I cover Sita. It hits me in my shoulder.


I point my spear.

"I'll be sure to speak in English so this human will understand that you're the reason for him and your egg's death," a female pulls herself out of the water.

She's dark, like me... but shorter and carries more mass. Corals on a string make a necklace on her that covers her breast. Fabric covers her front and back like me.

"I don't know who you are... what is this?" I ask in my native tongue.

She walks on human legs to me. Her eyes are big like mine, but darker.

"What is this?" she holds up a colored pearl between her ring and middle fingers.

She's armed and seems strong.

I hold onto Mud while pointing my spear. My eyes water.

"By the looks of it. What this is has been confirmed!" She holds the pearl out more.

Oh no... curses. My tribe...


The pearl. It's bluish green and-

Knowing pierces my soul again.

Oh no.

"Protect it Mud," Sita tells me quietly.

Our egg... wait-

"I can't leave you," I whisper.

"Please listen. Please do this for me... please. You're hurt... you're hurt bad," Sita says.


"Please!" He cries; the energy that pushes of him makes me obey even though I don't want to.

As soon as Sita charges for her, I slip out of the bed, fully naked, and run down the hall. Once I see our egg, I rip the knife out of my back. The pain makes me fall to my knees. Blood stars spilling.

"Please... I just prayed," I can barely say.

I put my hand on my stomach and create as much membrane as I can while scooping the egg up. When I jump down into the opening where flowing water descends, I accidentally fall on my back, but do my best to hold onto what Sita and I created.

Ooooo girlll. Yes.

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