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"Mm," pain shoots through my back.

I feel my egg in my arms. My eyes shoot open.

I'm gonna die if I don't fix this. I don't know if Sita will be able to bring me back.

"Come on..." I try to turn on my abilities.

The ability of healing.

Membrane comes. It starts spreading over my body.

I feel... better-

I hear shuffling coming from the floor above me.

Sita. Oh no...

I sit up, then stand with my egg in my hands, not fully recovered; I freeze after.

"Oh no..."

My heart drops.

"Oh hell nah..." I look closer.

There's a crack...

My eyes water. I look up at the small water fall I jumped down from. I hiccup, fearing the worst. When I rub my hand over the crack a piece of the shell, the size of a silver dollar, chips off.

"Little baby," silent tears come.

I try to make membrane cover it to try and fix it, but it doesn't work.


I lean on the wall while I take small steps. My fingers run across the rock as I hold my stomach.

"Ahh," my teeth sharpen.


I hiccup from the pain.

It's hurts- like... it's hurting so much. It feels like-

"My egg," I groan.


"I prayed to you. I gave you an offering," I cry while staring at the stone carving.

Faint blue light fills my peripheral. I look around, heart rate increasing by the second.

The pools. The waters. They're blue.

Broken shell continue to fall away from my egg. Faint movement comes from it. My body grows still while I look down. Tears of fear and shock hit it.

Hey... it's you.

I run my hands over it and gasp when the next small thud almost makes me drop it. I hold onto it without being to rough as I lower myself.

"Sita... where are you? I don't know what to do..."

It's hatching.


Groans push from me while I try my best to make it to the waterfall. Once I do, I jump down. Even though I land on my feet, when I stand, my legs buckle.

"Mud," I can barely get out.

I make membrane cover my hand, then squeeze the wound on my thigh. I hear quick footsteps. As soon as my eyes close, I'm lifted.


"I gotchu- I gotcha," I hear his voice.

"The egg... where is it?" I ask.


"It's right here," more emotions creeps into my voice.

I kiss Sita's cheek and forehead.

"It's hatching," I look down at his beautiful tattered face.

Time passes. Too much time...

"Sita," I squeeze him some.

He doesn't answer me.

"Hey," I shake him.

My mind is mine, but my body seems to be hijacked. Hijacked in a way that leave me with no control.

This happened before... in the temple.

My body moves on its own like it knows what to do even though my mind does not. I lower Sita into the sand... near the small pool that's flowing and glowing blue.

It has my necklace I gave Sita... and the five cowrie I gave to his divinities.

I rest one of his hands in it, then careful pick up our cracking head.

If I lose this egg, I know I can just make another one, but if I lose this egg... it will rip me up. I feel like it will push me and Sita apart.

My eyes widen some when blue starts to crawl up Sita's skin from the pools. The egg moves in my hands. I place it on Sita, then put my hand in his.

Membrane, I've been hoping to create, covers us all; me, Sita, and the egg.

"I love you," I get out.

I'll love you both the best I know how. I'll love you two better and do my best.

I close my eyes. In my mind, my body morphs into many things; the same things that Sita morphs to; hybrids: serpent like, dolphin like, fish like.

The sounds of egg shell cracking reach my ears again. I surprisingly don't feel bad about it. Knowing of it being time washes over me.

Everything's okay.

I hear a small breath and open my eyes.


I hear a small breath.

Wake up, Sita.

I jump awake. My hand automatically holds my egg. My lips part while tears run out of the corners of my eyes.

I'm so scared...

... but when my eyes catch Mud's I calm down. He's teary eyed too staring at what I was just staring at.

"Are you okay? Is everything okay?" I reach out and touch him while craddling our breaking egg.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

His question confuses me...

Am I okay?

I become more aware of my body and my surrounds and sit up carefully, while holding what we created. It splits into. Me and mud look at eachother, then look back down. He tries to say something.

"Do you-"

"I don't know... I don't know anything about this," I answer him before he can even get anything out.

Ummmmmm. Whew. Can yall please share your thoughts. Wow.

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