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Thin dark lining covers their body. There's still pieces of egg left. I see part of their little face. When I try to reach out to our egg Mud grabs my hand.

"Wait... please," he says.

I do. He sits closer to me and holds me in his arms while I hold our egg. I watch the little being push more shell away.

So small... really small...

The thin, soft film their in breaks over their face;  the largest piece of shell is pushed off by their tiny feet.

It's a... their a-

"She's a girl," Mud says happily.

I'm so, so glad you're happy.

I hiccup when I notice the details of her being.

She's lighter than me, but darker than Mud. Her skin is warm, not as cool as mine... there are freckles. She has freckles and-

I cry. Mud rubs her fingers through her big curls. They're damp from the fluid in the egg.

Her hair is much looser than his, almost exactly like mine.

All I can do is smile.

"Her hair is spiced... kinda like mine," he says about her cinnamon colored loops.

Her makeup mimics the contrast between me and Mud as mates.

We created this? From what happened in the temple... we were meant to create this. Were meant to protect this.

She moves around, but doesn't make a sound. I put my hand on her little stomach and let my healing powers boost her.


My smile goes away when Sita's body jolts. He start balling while using his power to ensure our baby is healthy.

"What? It's okay," I assure.

I hug him and lay my head on him.

"It's okay Sita... look at her little cheeks," I run the back of my finger down the side of her tiny face.

She's oddly peaceful... to peaceful, but she's breathing.

She opens her eyes. Whines finally leave her.

Oh my gosh. I'm being blessed, yet again.

"Her eyes," Sita sniffles.

They're big, but not as large as Sita's. The color is a mix of us both.

We have a third shade of green in the house now.

We hear a thud from across the room. I stand up. Sita picks up our baby and holds her to his chest.

"Please," Sita begs.

It's her... she's wounded... extremely.

"You'll lose your life behind what's mine. Sita and baby girl are mines, okay?" I clinch my fists.

I feel my teeth sharpen in my mouth. All she can do it look at Sita and what he holds in his arms. I take steps towards her.

She lifts her chin. It surprises me when a tear runs down her dark skin. She points her blade at Sita and I's baby, then throws her blade to the sand.

Moments past, the only one who moves is our baby.

"Praśaṁsā," she forces a word I can't understand out to Sita.

When she looks at me, her eyes flash speckles of blue. Her teeth retract and many of her scales go away.

"Congratulations," she gets out, her eyes on mine.

She bends down and picks up a broken piece of shell that came from my child's egg.

"I'll take this back with me... and do my best to keep my life," she says.

Her words make Sita cradle our baby more and more.

Wait... she's surrendering, but-

"I'll keep them away," her words shake me.

"You-you're surrendering?" I ask.

Her eyes float back to Sita.

"When you wounded me, I slept. I slept and I seen you. I slept and I seen this human you have here... I slept and I seen our divine being. I'm sorry, Sita," they move slowly towards the opening in the rock that leads to the right side of the shore.

She turns around once more. Her eyes float over all three of us...

"I saw so much. You don't even know how to take care of that child. You never learned even though you're a breeder. Dogma. You weren't properly taken care of, even before you were exiled. Feed her pearls. Keep feeding your yourself the pearls and keep feeding your mate the pearls. On behalf of our tribe, I am sorry. There's so much you didn't know because they didn't nurture you. They didn't feed you your pearls correctly... and when that didn't work, they sent you away," she says.


I hug my offspring close to me. She slightly moves against my body and whines more. Small clicks leave her throat; they're even smaller than mine. I feel her little heart beat going as I take in Shalana's words. They hurt me, but free me all in the same moments.

"Wait," my voice trembles.

She stops in her tracks.

Her energy is heavy.

"I feel betrayed," she says.

"What else did you see?" I rush out.

She looks at me, eyes large, and sad, and honestly filled with something so, so, heavy.

"We were mixing all along," she shrugs some.

My eyes widen a little; my breathing stops completely. She looks at Mud while stepping out of the cave and past plants.

"Thats how our race got like this in the first place, Sita."

I could just end the book right here frfr.🌚 mmhm. Idk frfr.

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