chapter one

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6:00 AM
Your eyes flutter open as you hear your alarm going off for school. You groan and roll over to turn it off. You hate to wake up 3 hours before you have to be at school, but mom would throw a fit if you weren't up before 6:30. "Come on y/n, you got this. One more day, then Winter Break," you said as sitting on the side of the bed with your feet dangling off.

You hear a knock at the door and turn your head to your bedroom door to see your mom walking in. "Good Morning sweetie. Here's your outfit for the day and breakfast will be finished when you're done getting ready." You smile at each other as she sits your outfit down on your vanity and walk out the door. Your mom still had to make sure what you wore to school was perfect and up to her standards, even though you were 17 and a senior in high school. She did it for both of your older sisters until they graduated.

You stand up and stretch your arms above your head and start walking to the door. You grabbed your clothes and your underwear and bra and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. You set your clothes on the counter top and grabbed a towel from the closet. You turn on the hot water and start to get out of your pajamas. When you were fully undressed, you just stood there staring at yourself in the mirror, looking for any flaw you could see. You did this every time you undressed in front of a mirror.  Once you saw one, you saw them all. "Maybe I should skip breakfast again and say I'm eating at school. Maybe I should go run on the track after cheer practice. Maybe I should go get my hair done to make it look brighter. Maybe I should go by more makeup to cover up my acne," you thought. You hate when you start thinking like this because it wasn't like you. You were very comfortable and confident in your body, and everyone knew it.

You shook your head and hopped in the shower. You enjoyed the hot water running down your body. It made you feel so relaxed. You always enjoyed taking hot showers to ease your mind, it was the getting in the shower was the bad part. You stood there for 5 minutes with your back up against the wall letting the water run over your body. "No, you've got to stop thinking like that y/n. That is your mother thinking, not you. You are perfect just the way you are," you said as you started washing your hair.

You finished your shower and dried off with your towel. You wrapped your hair in the towel and went to get dressed. You grabbed your underwear and bra and put it on. At least your mom doesn't pick those out for you. You looked down at your outfit and let out a groan. Your mom picked out a shirt that red shirt had Christmas lights on it and said "It's the most wonderful time of the year" and a white skirt. Sometimes, I wish she would let me pick out my own outfit for once, but it wouldn't be good enough for her. The skirt was almost at my knees and I knew if I didn't put it on, Mom would be disappointed. I looked around and thought about how to avoid wearing it. I saw my eyeshadow and laughed. "Oh yeah that'll do," you said as you "accidentally" dropped the pallet on the skirt.

"Mom!!" I called out from the bathroom. "Yes y/n is everything alright?" She asked while walking up the stairs  and to your bathroom door. You handed her the skirt "I'm Sorry Mom. I was doing my eyeshadow and I dropped it right on the skirt." You said while looking and her, faking that you were sad about the situation. "Oh sweetheart, it will be okay, don't worry about it. You can wear a pair of jeans today, just no holes or rips in them, please," she said while giving you her signature "mom" look. "Yes ma'am! Thank you mom, I love youuuu," you said while kissing her cheek. "Breakfast is almost done y/n. It's you're favorite," she said while walking away.

You finished getting ready and looked at your watch. 7:30 AM. You went to your room to get a pair of skinny jeans from your closet. You looked at yourself in the mirror and you thought your outfit looked good, better than what it would've been. You slipped on your Vans and walked downstairs. It smelled absolutely amazing. You always loved you moms cooking, no matter what it was. "You look perfect sweetheart!" Mom said while smiling and looking at you. She handed you your plate, and it was your favorite. French toast with powdered sugar and strawberries on top with eggs. "Thank you Mom," you said while sitting down ready to eat. Dad was on one of his many "business trips." He leaves for a week every month and comes back different every time. You shook off the feeling and continued to eat your breakfast.

You finished eating while you and your mom and talking about Winter Break. "We'll, y/n what do you and Jason plan on doing over Winter Break?" she asked. Ah yes, Jason. My boyfriend and captain of the basketball team. A perfect fit for me in my moms eyes, just not mine. He was known as the King of Hawkins after your best friend, Steve graduated. You smiled "Well, we don't have anything planned Mom. We'll just have to see day by day. I know that I would like to hangout with Mike, Dustin, Steve, Robin, and Nancy some, so Jason can't take over my entire break," you said while helping her wash the dishes. "Y/n, you know you don't need to be hanging out with freshman. It doesn't make you look good," she said while looking at you. "Mom, you know Mike and Dustin are like little brothers to me at this point. They're always hanging out with Steve and they're good kids. Robin, Nancy, and I don't have that much longer left until we're off to college. I want to spend as much time together as we can," you said while looking at her.

You look down at your watch, 8:15 AM, it was time to head to school. "I'm leaving for school mom," you said while grabbing your car keys and your backpack and heading out the door. "I just have to last today and then I can come home and forget about everything for a little bit," you said sliding in your car.

Heyyy guys!!!
I decided to write this store based off of the song "18" by Anarbor. Let me know what you guys think about it, this is my first book.
Thank you!! <3

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