chapter twelve

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*smut in this chapter*
*knife-play in this chapter*

You didn't even realize it, but you and Eddie had pulled up to his trailer. "I'm excited about the movie Ed's! I haven't seen this it yet!" You say jumping out the van and walking towards the door. "Oh I'm excited too sweetheart," Eddie says, "but not just about the movie." You hear him whisper the last part. You glance back at him and he is staring at your ass. "Ed's, my eyes are up here Darlin'." You say as you walk in the trailer.

You go to put the movie in and Eddie gets the snacks ready. "Alright we've got M&M's, popcorn, and 3 musketeers." Eddie says brining the snacks to the living room. "Great! Let's get this movie night started!" You yell hopping on the couch. 

Eddie joins you on the couch and y'all cover up with a blanket.

After about 45 minutes of the movie, you're basically in Eddie's lap holding his arm

"I told you I would be in your lap the entire time!" You yell at him. He grabs you and pulls you further into his lap more, you're now straddling him. "Hey Ed's , I really love this view, but were suppose to be watching the movie." You say. He takes his hand and grabs your hips and starts moving them back and forth. "I mean I'm really the only one who can't watch it for more than 30 seconds without freaking out. I don't think you're missing anything." Eddie says. Eddie puts his lips right beside your ear and whispers, "Besides, I'd rather be looking at you than this movie."

You felt tingles go down from your ear to your neck and down your back. "Eddie." You look down at him and he looks up at you. "Yes y/n?" He asks. "Keep going." You say. You lean back and look him in the face and his eyes. His eyes were full of lust and they looked beautiful.

You and Eddie started making out on the couch. You could feel how hard he was getting as you continued to rock back and forth on his lap. "We're going somewhere a little more private." Eddie says. He stand up and wraps your legs around his waist. You wrap your arms around his neck. He takes you to his bedroom. He slams and locks the door while still making out with you. He throws you on the bed and takes his shirt off. "Hey y/n. Quick question." He says while crawling over top of you. "Yes Ed's?" You say while propping up on your elbows.

"What kind of kinks do you have?" he asks. "Well, I enjoy you pulling my hair and what you did with the handcuffs was pretty attractive." You say while laying back down. "What about this?" Eddie asks. He pulls out his knife from his pocket. He flips it open and runs the dull side along your thigh. "Mhm Ed's. I've never done this, but I'm willing to try." You say. He runs the knife over your thighs and over your stomach. You could feel yourself getting wetter and wetter, craving his touch. You start to wiggle and squirm and Eddie holds you still. "Nah uh. You're not moving anywhere." He grabs his handcuffs from the table and puts them on you, snapping them to his bed frame also.

"Eddie, please." You beg. You wanted him more than ever right now. You were craving his touch and needing more and more of him. "Oh eager are we?" he asks. He puts the knife away and starts kissing your body. "You. Look. So. Perfect." He says in between kisses. "Ed's you're such a tease." You say. He just laughs as he makes his way down to your underwear. "Oh baby you're so fucking wet." He says. He loops his fingers under your underwear and starts to pull them off. "I can't wait to fuck you." Eddie says.

He starts to kiss your clit, making you moan at the pleasure. You couldn't hold it in anymore. "Ed-.. eddi-.. Eddie." You could hardly talk. You were a mess. "Yes, Princess?" He says. He makes eye contact with you, while still licking your clit. "Don't stop Ed's." You moan out.

Eddie slides two of his fingers inside of you. He keeps on pumping them back and forth. The coldness of his rings put a new kind of sensation on your body. You could feel the knot in your stomach grow and grow.  "Eddie, I'm about to cum." You said. He went faster and faster, until you came on his fingers.

He raised up to you and said "Open your mouth."  You did as he said and opened your mouth. "You taste delicious sweetheart." He says. He sticks his fingers in your mouth and you start to suck on them. This turned him on so much to the point he could hardly stand it. He unlock the handcuffs and flipped you over on your stomach. "Y/n. Are you sure you want to do this?" Eddie asks before touching you again. You raise up so your back was pressed up against his chest and said "God yes Eddie. I want you more than anything right now."

Eddie pushes you back on the bed. You get on your knees and Eddie gets right behind you. He rubs his dick up and down on your clit and your entrance making you moan. "I've been waiting for this." Eddie says.

He slowly inserts himself into you, making you both gasp. He waits for your body to get used to his size before he starts moving. At first he goes slow, savoring this experience.

He picks up the pace and ends up slamming into you as hard and as fast as he can. Your jaw was hung open. You tried to form words, but all you could get out was moans. You start rubbing your clit and Eddie notices. He grabs your hair and pulls you up. Your back was now on his chest. You could feel his heart beating.

"Did I say you could do that?" He asks, whispering into your ear. "No you didn't." You say back. You felt helpless against him, but it was a good feeling. "Keep on doing it sweetheart, I enjoy watching you do it." He says. He keeps on thrusting into you while he's holding you up against his chest.

"Eddie, I'm about to cum. Don't stop, please." You manage to get out. He pushes you back down on the bed and grabs your hips,ramming himself into you. You groan from the pleasure and you can feel yourself about to cum. "I'm about to cum to sweetheart." Eddie says. You feel his thrusts getting sloppier and slower until finally he pulls out and cums on the bed.

You collapse onto the mattress and try to catch your breath. Eddie gets up and goes to get a towel to clean up his cum off the bed. After he finishes, he lays down beside you. "I absolutely loved that." He said. "Me too Ed's. I loved every second of it." You say. "Come on Darlin, let's go get a shower and then we can do whatever you want for the rest of the day." Eddie says. He stand up and reaches for your hand. You try to stand up, but can barely walk. Eddie laughs at your attempt to walk.

"Oh fuck off Eddie. You did this." You say pointing to your legs. "I know I did. I'm proud of it, but I got you." Eddie says. He picks you up and takes you to the bathroom. He starts the shower and waits for it to heat up.

You two jump in the shower and you just stand there, under the hot water. Eddie helps wash your back. This was one of the best feelings in the world. "Thank you Ed's." You say. You turn around it him and look at him in the eyes. You lean in and Eddie's kisses you. "Anything for you Princess."

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