chapter sixteen

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*smut in this chapter.*

You and Eddie make you're way back to his trailer. You cried the whole way there. You thought about how happy mom acted around your father. You honestly thought they were perfect together. Like the were soulmates.

"Come on sweetheart, we're home." Eddie says while smiling at you. You grab your backpack that had your toiletries in it and Eddie opened the door for you. You walk to the back of the van and open the door. "Nah uh. No ma'am. Me and Wayne will get the boxes, you can unpack." Eddie says while slapping your hand away from the box. "Ed's. it's fine, I can help." you say.

Eddie picks you up over his shoulder and carry's you into the living room. "Hey Wayne, could you help me unload y/n's things?" he asked. "Of course son." Wayne says. Eddie carry's you back to his bedroom and throws you on the bed. "Do not even think about coming to help. We've got this, I promise." Eddie says while hovering over you. You nod your head. Eddie leans down and gives you a kiss and walks out the door.

Since you had your bag of toiletries, you started there. You walked to the bathroom as Eddie walked in the door. He gave you a stern look and you said "Calm down, i'm just going to the bathroom." He looks at you and says "Yeah you better." You laugh.

You wanted to get back at him for this morning and you knew just how to do it. "Or what Mr. Dungeon Master?" you said. You smirked and walked into the bathroom. You could hear Eddie laugh and groan at the same time. You knew if he did anything to you, you were going to love every second of it.

Eddie and Wayne finish brining in all of your stuff and you start unpacking. Eddie makes room in his dresser and closet for your clothes. Half of his clothes were on the floor anyways so it wasn't that difficult.

Wayne brought some of his hangers into the room and laughed as he looked at your suitcases. "Ya know, i've always wanted a niece," he stops and laughs. "but damn do you girls have a lot of shit." You and Eddie look at each other and laughed.

Eddie ran for one suitcase in particular and you knew what he was looking for. Your lingerie set. Little did he know, you put it in another suitcase, just to hide it from him. You can hear him going through the suitcase and mumble something to himself. "Babe, we left something at your moms house." he says. He groans. "Oh really? I thought we got everything." you said.

You went and grabbed a suitcase and started looking for your lingerie. You grabbed it and held it up "Oh, did you think we left this?" I asked. Eddie turned around and smiled. "Oh that's how you wanna play huh?" he asked. He walked over to you and you threw the lingerie on the bed. "Don't start getting shy on me now." Eddie says.

God damn. The looks this boy gives me could make me crumble. He's so prefect. His smile, his laugh, his personality. I love everything about him. I love him. My life has done a 180 spin, but I was positive about one thing right now. I am in love with Eddie Munson.

"I love you Eddie." you blurted out. Your cheeks grew red and you could feel how hot you got. "Oh y/n. I love you too." Eddie says back. You get on your tippy toes and he gives you a kiss.

You had the perfect plan to get back at him for this morning and you knew it would drive him crazy. "Hey, I found some more things for the bathroom in this bag. I'm gonna go put them in there." you said. He nodded and turned back around to the suitcase he was unpacking. You grabbed a random bag and grabbed the lingerie off the bed. You held it where he couldn't see it and ran to the bathroom.

You slid on the lingerie and looked in the mirror. You looked hot and you knew it would drive Eddie crazy. You threw your other clothes in the dirty clothes and walked back into his room. Eddie was turned around facing the closet. Perfect timing. "Hey Darlin'. You get everything put up where it goes?" He asked.

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