chapter two

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8:45 AM

You pulled into your normal parking space in the high school parking lot and just sat there. You did not want to walk into this place today. You just had a bad feeling that something would happen. You look out to window and see Mike and Dustin putting their bikes on the bike rack and figured you should get out and go talk to them.

"Hey guys!" you shouted while running towards them. "Hey y/n," Mike and Dustin say. You give them both a hug and start walking into school. "So y'all got any big plans for Winter Break?" i asked. "We're probably just going to play a lot of D&D and sleep in," Mike said. They had on their D&D club shirts on so I knew that today they had a game. The shirt said Hellfire Club on it and had a devil head right under it. "I would ask you for one of those cool shirts, Dustin, but my mom would kill me if she saw it in my closet," you said while rubbing the top of his head. "We'll that's too bad y/n, you only get one if you play the game," Dustin said while shoving books into his locker. "And we all know that's never going to happen."

You smiled at the boys and told them you'd see them later as you walked into your first period class, English. You sat down beside Jason and smiled at him. "Hey y/n! You look amazing today!" he said while giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you baby." The second bell rang and we all sat down waiting for the class to start. As soon as our teacher started talking, in came trouble. Eddie Munson. "Sorry teach," he said while making his way to his seat. "Mr. Munson, see me after school please, we have to talk about your attendance," she said while rolling her eyes. You look over at Eddie sitting in the back of the class. He notices and just smiles and waves at you. You start to blush and look away.

"What was that all about?" Jason asks. "Oh, nothing. I just noticed he had on the same shirt that Mike and Dustin wear. I guess they're in the same club," I said while giving him a reassuring look. "Yeah, you mean cult," Jason said while rolling his eyes away. You look back over at Eddie and he looks at you again. You blush again and wave back. You've never noticed Eddie a lot, even though you've gone to school together since 3rd grade. Why did I blush though? He's definitely not my type to be seen with.

~~time skip to lunch~~

You walk into the cafeteria and walk straight to your table. You sat with Jason and all the basketball players and cheerleaders. The Jock table is what everyone calls it. You decided not to eat lunch today as your thoughts took over your mind like they did this morning. This time though, something else was in your head. Eddie. Why did he smile at me and wave? And why did I blush? "Y/n!" I hear someone yell my name and I zone back into reality. "Hmm?" you ask. Jason was just looking at you like you were insane. "You good babe?" he asked taking my hand in his. "Yeah, yeah i'm good. Sorry just a rough night," you lie as you smile to hide it. Everyone starts talking about their Winter Break plans as you zone back out thinking about Eddie. You then snap back into reality as you hear someone yelling in the cafeteria.

"BUT AS LONG AS YOU'RE INTO BAND OR SCIENCE OR PARTIESSSSS," you look up and it was Eddie, standing on top of a table. "OR A GAME WHERE YOU TOSS BALLS INTO LAUNDRY BASKETS!" Jason stood up and yelled back "Hey! You want something?" Eddie just looked at him and threw his hands up like devil horns and made a weird noise. It was kind of cute. Wait, why did I just think that? "Prick." Jason says as he sits back down beside me. Eddie looks at you and smiles. You can't help but look over at their table and watch Eddie. He gets Dustin and Mike out of their chairs and pushes them towards the doors by their backs. Uh oh. They made him mad about something.

As lunch time was over I walked to my locker to grab my books for math class. As I turn around, there is Eddie. "Hey Princess," he says while smirking. "We'll hello there," you said stumbling back, trying to get away from him. "Nice stunt in the cafeteria today." You said walking away. He just stood there watching you walk into your classroom. I really hope Jason didn't see that. It won't be good for me or Eddie.

You sit down and watch Jason walk in. He looks at you, doesn't smile or anything. Just a blank expression. Oh shit, he definitely saw Eddie talk to me. "What did the freak want?" Jason asked while slamming his hand down on my desk. Jason seemed like a perfect guy for me, but he deserved to live and die alone. Jason has major anger problems and uses violence to solve them. "Nothing. He just said hi and I walked away." you said looking at his hand. Jason sat down beside you and looked at you. He was pissed and I knew that there would be consequences.

No, Jason didn't beat me or anything like that, but he would just stop talking to me. Sometimes for days, sometimes for weeks. One time, I was talking to someone about getting his birthday present and he saw. He ended up getting so mad, he cheated on me. He still doesn't know that I know, but I think about it everyday. Eddie talking to me might just make him do that thing again. I could hardly handle it last time, with all the stress I'm under right now, I know i won't be able to handle it again. If Jason did anything to Eddie either, I knew I wouldn't be able to stay with him, no matter how pissed off my mom would be at me. "I just need to make it through two more classes and then I can go home and take a nap. Everything will be okay," you thought as you started taking notes in class.

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