chapter thirteen

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*drug use in this chapter*

You and Eddie finished showering and get out. You two forgot your clothes in Eddie's room, again. He wraps the towel around his waist and pops his head out of the bathroom. You can't help but laugh at the fast movements of his head.

He looks around for about 15 seconds before motioning you to follow him. You both run to his room and shut the door. "Alright Ninja Eddie." You say laughing. "Hey don't knock on my skills." He says. He stands up on one leg and sticks his arms out. You laugh and walk over to him and say "Yeah but you've got to watch out for distractions." He laughs. "What distractions? My reflexes are solid gold." He says still moving around on one foot. "Like this one," you grab his towel and rip it off.

"Oh haha really funny y/n. Give it back." Eddie says. "Nah. I'm thinking I love this view." You say looking at him. You just stare at his body. It was gorgeous. "Okay now my turn." Eddie says. He steps closer to you undoing your towel. It drops to the floor. You and Eddie stare at each other. You felt something in your stomach.

It wasn't the need to have sex with Eddie, or anything sexual for that matter. The actions Eddie has done within these past days have made you realize something. You were falling in love with Eddie Munson. And you were falling fast.

"Come on Ed's. Let's get clothes back on before your uncle walks in." You say. Eddie walks to his closet and starts looking for clothes. You walk to your suitcase sitting on Eddie's floor. "Hey y/n." Eddie says. You turn around and look at him. He throws you a Black Sabbath T-shirt. "This is one of my favorite T-shirt's." He took a long pause before saying anything else, "and I want you to have it." You look at Eddie and smile. "I would love to have it Eddie." You put on the T-shirt and some pants.

You walk over to Eddie and wrap your arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around your waist. You two stand there for a minute just looking at each other. "How about we do something fun?" Eddie says while cocking his eyebrow. "Oh like me begging you to fuck me wasn't fun enough?" He smiles and laughs. "No Darlin that was the most fun I've had in a long time, but this is a different kind of fun." He kisses your forehead and walks to his dresser. He pulls out a box and opens it up. He pulls out a joint and walks over to you. "You ever smoke?" You shake your head no. "Oh shit. Well never mind then." He says turning around.

You grab his hand and say "No Eddie. It's okay. I've always wanted to try it." He turns around and gives you a smile.

After Eddie shows you how to properly smoke a joint, you're pretty confident you know how to do it.

You put the blunt to your lips and put the lighter to the end. You inhale and hold it for a minute. You let it out and you didn't even cough. "Wow. What a natural." Eddie says. You and Eddie keep on passing the blunt between you two. Before you know it, you two are high as shit.

"Eddie. My body feels like it floating." You say holding your hand up. "Babe you're so fucking high. It's funny seeing you like this." You try and stand up, but you immediately fall to the ground. You look up and see Eddie laughing. Eddie laughs so much he falls off of his bed. You start laughing so much that you can hardly breath. You hear Eddie's door open. You turn your head and you see Uncle Wayne. Shit.

"Are you two alright in here?" He asks. He looks at the both of you and starts laughing. He walks over to me and says "car keys please, ma'am." You hand him your car keys. He then walks over to Eddie "car keys kiddo." Eddie gives him his keys and start laughing. "We'll I'm going to the store to get dinner. You two, don't leave." Wayne says. You and Eddie nod your head as you watch him leave his room.

Eddie looks at you and starts laughing again, which causes you to laugh even more. 10 Minutes goes by and you two finally calm down.  You and Eddie finally get back on your bed and look at each other. "Eddie,can I tell you something." You ask. "Of course sweetheart."  You look up in his eyes and you start to get nervous. You tried to find the words to say, and you end up just spitting it out.  "Eddie. I thinking I'm falling in love with you."

He looks at you. He can't find the words to say. He's just so shocked. You look down at the bed and say "I'm sorry Ed's. I shouldn't have said anything. You probab-" Eddie cuts you off by a kiss on your lips. "Y/n. I'm falling in love with you too."

You look at him and smile. You had finally found the perfect one for you. Not your mom or your family, just you. It didn't matter what anyone thought of us. We cared for each other and that's all that mattered. A few short days ago you wouldn't have even dreamed to be talking to Eddie Munson, much less falling in love with him.

"Y/n. Will you be mine? Like officially? Not just you living with me and us having amazing sex," Eddie says and you both laugh. "I'm talking about being my girlfriend."

You look up at Eddie and smile. "Of course Eddie. I would love it." He smiles back at you. He stands up and grabs you by the hand to help you up. He gives you a hug and spins you around. "Thank you. For everything Eddie." You say. "No y/n. Thank you."

30 minutes goes by and you're slowly starting to sober up. "Hey Eddie, isn't Wayne at the store?" Eddie is sitting on the edge of his bed, playing his guitar. "Yeah darlin'. He went to get dinner." As soon as Eddie says that, you hear his uncle yell for you two to come help him. You and Eddie walk in the living room and help Wayne get the groceries into the kitchen. "So. What we havin?" Eddie asks. "I was thinking Tacos." Wayne turns to me. "Are tacos alright with you?" "Oh yes sir those are fine with me!"

You help Wayne cook dinner while you hear Eddie playing his guitar in his room. "He's something special." Wayne says. "You're right. He is." You say smiling at Wayne. "Eddie told me about what happened with your parents," you look at him expecting him to say something horrible. "And I just want you to know you're free to move in here." You look at Wayne and start tearing up. "Thank you. You don't realize how much this means to me. Can I give you a hug?" You say laughing while drying your tears. "Of course y/n."

Wayne hugs you and whispers in your ear "You don't realize this, but this is the happiest I've seen Eddie in a very long time." Wayne says. You nod your head and pull back from his hug. "This is the happiest I have been in a long time." You look over and Eddie is standing in the hallway, leaning up against the fridge. "Did I miss something?" He asks very confused. "Nah son, you didn't miss anything." Wayne says.

You, Eddie, and Wayne sit in the living room watching TV while you eat. "Wayne this is really good." Eddie says shoving a taco in his mouth. You and Wayne look at each other and start laughing. You and Eddie clean up the kitchen while Wayne watches TV.

"We'll I'm getting tired, so I think I'm going to bed." You say to Wayne. "Yeah me too. Goodnight Wayne." Eddie says. "Goodnight kiddos. I'll see y'all in the morning." Wayne says.

You two walk in Eddie's room to get ready for bed. "Y/n. I had the best day today." Eddie says. "I did too Ed's." He pulls you into a hug and kisses your forehead.

You walk over to your suitcase and pull out a big T-shirt. You take off your pants and look back at Eddie and he's staring at you. You chuckle and continue getting undressed. You throw on the T-shirt and look back at Eddie, who is now just in boxers.

You two slide into bed together and get comfy. Eddie cuddles up behind you a wraps his arm around your waist.

You are finally happy. You deserved this. You close your eyes and try and fall asleep. You feel Eddie prop up on his elbow that's not around your waist. "Y/n. You asleep yet?" Eddie asks. "Not yet Ed's. What's up?" You ask him. You roll over to face him and he looks so comfortable. "I love you, y/n." You smile back at him. "I love you too Eddie." You say. He gives you a kiss and plops back on the bed. "Goodnight Ed's." You say. "Goodnight Darlin'."

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